Contract Termination

Kim Bi Bum and Kim Boo Ra are in an awkward situation now. 

Kim Bi Bum doesn't know what to do. So he turned towards Yan Shu and said "Yan Shu, did you get checked? What did the doctor say? Is everything fine?" He asked with a concerned voice.

But the poor being doesn't know he knocked onto the door of death. 

Suddenly he felt cold. He felt like the room is turning into Antarctica.

He roamed his eyes around the whole room. He saw certain three people are looking at him like he was a prey to them. He can see the nonexistent fire coming from their bodies. He gulped as he eyed them. No wonder his talkative sister stayed silent. 

He backed away but to his 'luck'. Those three people came stepped forward and surrounded him. 

"Tell us what happened to our baby girl?" Sara asked with a fire in her eyes.