He is cheated by his Ex and he getting played by his newly found one.

"Let's go! Go!" She said as she nudged him by his shoulder. Since she is seated in the passenger seat it became easy for her to bother him. 

"Why are you still sitting? Go run and get my babies..." She said. 

For God's sake! He is driving how can he walk?!

For a second he felt like banging his head to the wall and bleed to his death. How can he walk while sitting? How come he decided to help this weird stranger in the first place?

His mother said to him one should treat a woman with the utmost respect. Because they deserve it. But now for the first time, he felt like he is about to throw all of her teachings out of the window. 

She is asking him to chase the person who 'kidnapped' her wallet and purse. But for the god sake, he wanted to say that they are not kidnapped she just forgot them in the hotel!