Is it worthy?

"Of course!" He answered. 

"How are you so sure of it?" She asked. She is patient with this man. if she raises her temper she knew he will flare up too. And he might do something that she regrets.

So she decided to stay calm. But looks like things are not going that way. 

"Chang Bingwen, I want to speak to you for a few minutes. Please don't interrupt me. And answer me when I ask you questions, " she requested. 

He nodded. 

"Do you love me?" 

"Yes!" He said firmly. 

"Do you love me or do you think that you love me?" She asked him again making him go in deep thought. 

"I love you!" He roared. But his shout didn't startle her. 

"How? From when? We met even before you broke up with your sweetheart Xia Heru, " she said.