Sister In law.

Xiao Ya took out a shiny golden visiting card. She stroked the contact number nervously.

  She took a deep breath and dialed a number. When the call connected, her heart stopped for a second.

She took a deep breath and uttered, "Hello, " 

"Who is it?" A sweet magnetic voice can be heard from the other side. 

"Miss Kim, I'm the author Xiao Ya, " she said. 

"May I know why did you contact me?" Kim Boo Ra asked. 

"Can I meet you? " she asked nervously. 

"When and where?" She asked.

"You fix the place. But send me someone to pick me up, " she said. 

"Fine, be ready at 9. A. M. In the morning tomorrow, " Kim Boo Ra said. 

"Thank you, Miss. Kim, " Xiao Ya replied. 

With that, she hung the call. She held the visiting card in her hand tightly. The card is in pure white color. The words are engraved with gold.  She started at the terms Triumphant Entertainments. And the words Kim Boo Ra and her contact number.