Black magic.

"What!?!!" Tang Chen almost shouted.

"I thought you like me. You didn't reject my advances from the start. You used to be so cold to everyone but you are different towards me when compared to others! I proposed to you because I thought you like me. That's why I gathered courage and took this step.

"But how can you reject me now? Tell me if you don't like me or tell me what you don't like me? Or tell me if I have misbehaved and irritated you. I will make it up for you. I'm sorry.

"But I would like to have you in my life. Biyu, in the past I never met a girl like you. I used to tease and compete with you to gain your attention towards me. And I worked hard to defeat you. Because at least that will make you think of me. I'm a greedy person who wants you to myself only.