One more? ***

"You are mine, " she declared as she traced her fingers on the marks which she left in his chest.

"Yes, I'm yours. And you are mine, " he said with a dashing smile.

She smiled at him in return. She bent down and licked the marks she left. She moved up as she continued to rock her hips. She traced her wet and hot tongue over his tanned skin.

There is not a single hair strand on his body. He didn't have body hair.

"I never see body hair on your body, " she said as she raised her head. A pout rested in her lips.

He moved a little and rested his hands at the back of his head. Even at this position, he looked dashing.

"If you want I will grow it for you, " he said.

"Really?!" She asked with amusement.

"Yeah, " he said.

"Okay! Grow it!" She said with a big grin. Her smile reached her eyes. She turned into narrow slits.