The Chen's: Wen Donghai (2)

Chen's cut their ties with Wu's family for their behavior. And even Wu Da Xia felt disgusted by her parent's behavior. She felt sorry for her sister. But she couldn't do anything. She cannot blame her sister. She is also a victim.

Wi Da Xia got pregnant with Chen Haoren during that time.

If she cannot birth to a child, another woman will find her way to her husband's bed. She can avoid them only by giving birth to an heir.

So she took care of her child very carefully. She had some complications during her pregnancy. But she didn't mind. Her health deteriorated but still, she didn't mind. As long as she can stay with her husband peacefully and spend time with him, it is worthy of her.

And finally, they have a child. They cherished him. Because he is the gift from God.

Chen Haoren appeared in their lives after a long waiting. So he is cherished a lot by the couple.


Coming back to the Chen family business...