The Chen's- Found Chen Mu Sheng (13)


Chen Hao Ren opened the letter and saw the contents. He opened his eyes widely in shock. 

"Dear Chen Hao Ren, 

Your Men will not return. Don't expect their return. If you send another batch I will kill them too. He is your son. Not their's. Find him by yourself, 

Your's Lovingly,

Do You Think I will tell My name? 

No way!" 

With that, the letter ended. He had to search for his son. What does that person want to achieve?

Chen Hao Ren sighed. 

His wife again went back to her insane state. 

He went back and saw her scolding Chen Hao Ling. 

He quickly rushed over and hugged the kid in his arms. "Maids, take her inside!" he ordered. 

The maids quickly took her to her room. 

The kid is sobbing in his embrace. 

"Don't worry. Mommy is sad because she couldn't find your brother. After he returned she will be normal. And will treat you like how she did before," he said.