The End!

Ch- 330

Wu Xiu Ying felt his chest was tightening. His lungs were stiff and felt like they could burst out at any second. He felt something rising to his mouth but he didn't know that was blood till he spit out blood. 

Wu Xiu Ying got diagnosed with lung cancer a month. So, he pressured Chen Hao Ren to take over the Mercenary and other things that belonged to the black market, but Chen Hao Ren waited for time to flee when he got the time he just fled away. 

Wu Xiu Ying tried many ways to get him back but all were in vain. He realized his son developed hate on him instead of love. He worked so hard for him, to give all the things that he was having but he left him to be killed like this. 

"Last Question…." Mu Sheng said as he brought that old man out from the middle of his thoughts. 

"Have you ever loved, Hao Ling?" Mu Sheng asked.

