
The streets of Slyn City is desolate and gloomy. Crime is asleep at dusk, however blood curdling screams and shrilly cries are overheard from the safe haven. Home to over eighty maniacs, all of them are not in perfect sense. From an individual grazing get fingernails on a wall rapidly to a boy smacking his head on the bars of his cell. Among all of them, only one is in perfect sense. At the core of the nut house, there he was. The most psychotic, heartless, selfish and emotionless scumbag ever to have existed. He was seated on his chair while channeling his power to his aura. While he was raising his power, he calculated all the outcomes of his breakout. He focused on the little girl seated in front of his cell, waiting for her guardians. She was clenching her teddy as she looked in dread at the scary man's aura was showing blood red in colour as it was growing, minute by minute. He blinked its eyes, it altered from brown to blood red. The girl released her teddy and went berserk in the room. She approached his cell and ripped the lock with her bare hands with frustration. She bolted out of the room and off to free the others and resulted in a commotion. He smiled ad her hands were bleeding and to hear her shrieking through the hall. He walked out of his cell, strolled his way to the exit while murdering every living soul he came across in the asylum with the dagger he found in the guard's pocket that he murdered before approaching the exit. He bent down and called the little girl to him. Both locked eyes and he blinked his eyes. She snapped our of her trance and observed her surrounding, she cried and held on to the psycho. He grew with rage and stabbed her. He held on to her ad he watched her cry and pass on. He reached her wound and smeared her blood on his face. He laughed as he exited out of the asylum. He came out and took a huge breath of the night air. He walked to his apartment in the southern part of the city. As he approached the door, he heard footsteps from within his place. He hurtled through the door and saw a woman. A woman with blonde hair and pink extensions, she wore a dark hoodie with rose pink and sea blue colours with jean shorts. He grinned at her and said;

"Who the hell are you?"

"None of your business", she said.

"Technically, you are in my place, so it is my business. Speak or we both are going to have a problem", he said.

He glanced at her hand and saw her gripping a black amulet.

"That doesn't belong to you, return it or...", he said.

""Or what?", the girl said.

He laughed, reached into his pocket, lit a Cuban cigar, smoked a little of it as his eyes turned red. He laughed and said;

"Or face me."

Her eyes turned white and burst with aura. She said;
