Twenty-seven tails?

"Oh, so will you be by my side."

He smiled and said,"yes, and I promise to never betray you I'll become your family.

'Family? What a distant word' I bite my bottom lip and say,"then can I call you big brother

Destiny." "Yes, of course."

"Now let me show you around."

We walked into a purple building. Then He stops and turns around,

"this will be your room, while in this space you can bring your physical body or just your conscience also time flows differently as your cultivation goes up for now 1 year outside is the same as 5 years but your age and look won't be affected."

"Ok." "Now follow me." He brings me to a bright yellow room. We walk in and I see 'Twenty-seven tails?'

"These will be your contract beasts all three are nine tail foxes but they all have different abilities." "what are their abilities?"

He points to the one with the purple eyes and white fur, "he can hypnotize both memory and will."

Then he points to the pink eyed white furred fox,"she can make anyone and anything, listen to her just by looking at her eyes." "Why doesn't it affect me?"

"They are all made through the dimension so since your the new owner they won't hurt you."

pointed at the the last fox with blue eyes,"this one can shape shift and if he devours a human or beast he can perfectly impersonate them."

"Ok." I bit my finger and placed it on there for heads a small stream of light appears, now the contract is complete.

I look towards Destiny and ask "what's there name." "Your choice."

'Then I'll name the purple eyed fox Satoshi , the blue eyed fox Sadao, and the pink eyed one hmm, I got it! Aimi.' 'Thank you master.'

'What they can read my mind?'

'Yay, we are now your contract beasts so naturally we can read your mind.'

A smirk appears "Now, it's time to deal with nanny." "Oh, Satoshi help me hypnotized nanny, it's time to cultivate."

*2 years later (10 years in the dimension)

I stayed in the Ying Yang dimension for 10 years I'm about to break through to higher martial level 6. 'It's time to go out.'