I Give You Five Gifts (before her rebirth)

I awoke to a brightly lit up place or room?

Then I see a man, he looked as bright as the sun.

My eyes narrow as I recall did I not die by... as I recall what had happened memory fragments start to peace together 'no, I lived three lives and in all three I ended up betrayed.'

The man as bright as the sun says, "hello child it seem your awake."

I just stare back and asked, "Who are you."

He says in a calm voice, "my name is destiny and have come to stop another life of tragedy so I give you Five Gifts."

I then ask, "why do you only stop me on my fourth lifetime and plus I have blood on my hands?"

With a look of concern he says," you may have killed many but you have save so many more."

I look at him "then why must life play such cruel tricks on me?"

He thinks for a bit and says, "originally the world was balanced but at one point that fragment that balanced the world broke We tried to piece it back together but failed and you atoned for it all we finally found the last fragment and peace together and you stabilize it.

"He paused then said,"you did it by dying the 3rd time so, to thank you I give you five gifts of your choice to bring to your next life."