[Arc 2] Holiday Special: Easter

"Did you buy the eggs Hung-gege?"

"Mm, don't forget to wear an apron."


Li Biming went up to Hai Hung and grabbed the eggs from his hands, bring them to the kitchen. Hai Hung grabbed the apron hanging on the wall of the kitchen and approached Li Biming from behind, helping him put on the apron. After tying a secure knot on it, Li Biming fished out a box of his favorite snack, Pocky, from the grocery bag Hai Hung brought home and opened the package. Taking a chocolate covered pocky stick, Li Biming put one end in his mouth and turned around to face Hai Hung.

"Heure!" Li Biming stuck out his face and eyed the end of the stick, indicating for him to bite down as well. Hai Hung was caught by surprise when Li Biming had turned around so suddenly and also broke the pocky stick. Smiling, he held the other end of the pocky stick in his mouth and gazed into Li Biming's glittering eyes. Li Biming immediately started to eat the pocky stick towards his hubby's end and Hai Hung did the same, inching towards his lover who was rushing forward. Within seconds, their lips were only centimeters apart and right when they were about to touch, Li Biming moved back and turned to the counter.

"Okay! Let's make those Easter eggs! Hai Hummhm!!"

Hai Hung grabbed Li Biming's waist, twisting him around and placed his lips onto his teasing lover's. Sucking in his bottom lip, Hai Hung mumbled, "Did you know? When we were kids you sucked on my bottom lip so adorably and eagerly~"

Li Biming was not about to lose to him, so of course he stuck his tongue inside Hai Hung's mouth to shut him up. Their tongues intertwined and some saliva dripped out from their connected lips.

Pushing his chest away, Li Biming caught his breath and pouted. "We have to decorate the eggs first! We can do it later okay?"

"Mm." Disappointed that he had to wait till they finished Hai Hung stole a few more kisses and ate some more tofu using his dirty paws then let go. (A/N: eating tofu = taking advantage of the other person. In this case, groping him.)

As evening approached, the two were done with decorating their eggs and took turns to hide them. Li Biming told Hai Hung that he wouldn't get his wish unless he found all the eggs he had hid. The time limit was determined by how long he (LBM) would take to find the eggs his hubby hid.

/One more.../

Hai Hung was looking through his bedroom drawers right now, hoping to find the last hidden egg.

"I got all of them!" A shout came from the bathroom when Li Biming uncovered where the last egg Hai Hung had hid was. Grinning in delight and relief that he didn't have to suffer with back pain tomorrow, Li Biming skipped out of the bathroom with joy. While Li Biming was beaming, Hai Hung had a dark aura around him. He was mad at himself for not finding the eggs fast enough, there were only 5 eggs, and he only found 4.

"Where did you put the last one?" Although the competition was over, Hai Hung still wanted to know how, in the name of love, he didn't find that egg.

"Hehe~" Li Biming pulled out a blue egg dotted with small crystals. "It was on me the whole time~"

Hai Hung: ...