Not A Bracelet

In the middle of night, somewhere in the forest, a huge house was on fire, and in front of that fire stood a girl, 16-year-old.

Somehow, her innocent eyes were cold enough to kill one.

Tang Hao Xie was only a child, why was there not a single percent of emotion in her eyes? Not hate, nor sadness or angriness, but coldness! No one would be able to tell what was on her mind by looking in her eyes but feel scared. Her eyes were so deep that if one looked in them, they would be lost in them but not be able to reach their depths.

While the house was on fire, Tang Xiao, the famous doctor, her big brother was staring at the burning house, his secret research house which he hid from his sister, in which layed the result of his 10-years long research product bracelet that now had turned into no more than ash. He turned towards the one who put off the fire, his lovely little sister, Tang Hao Xie.

"Hao Xie, why did you do this?",On his ever warm smiling face was a stiff smile.

Tang Hao Xie shrugged her shoulders,"I hate this place.", She smirked, "So, I burnt it. Bro, do you remember something by fire?"

Tang Xiao ignored her question and continued, "Do you know inside was the product of mine and father's research? Do you know how much I wanted to complete it? Now that it was completed, I just went off to rest and you've caused such a mess in that single hour! Now my product is gone and my notes were also in this house, they're also gone! How are you going to compensate me??"

'Don't go on his appearence! However warm and polite he looks he is ust opposite! He is an expert in robbing others with just his words and smile. One would spend the wealth of his entire family without knowing, in this man's rule. The only exeption is our Tang Hao Xie, she had destroyed his many important things but he was not even able to get a cheap candy as compensation.'

"Look how greedy you are, fussing over a single product of yours! I said I didn't like that bracelet so I destroyed it! And about this house...I didn't want you to make that thing again so I burnt it and ya I also burnt those notes of yours and your father. You better not try to make it again!", Tang Hao Xie turned and left leaving these words.

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth,"At least you should have let me see the final product! sigh! I was not even able to use it once.... Hey Tang Hao Xie! Where are you gonig? I am talking to you!! Damn girl I am your big brother, wait for me!" He followed Tang Hao Xie to the exit of forest.

Halfway through the exit Tang Hao Xie suddenly turned around,"Aren't you going to search for your product?"

Tang Xiao smiled warmly,"My little devil didn't like it, it's of no use now! It should dissappear from this world. It's a pity tough that it took 10 years..." He sadly shaked his head.

"Don't you wanna know why I didn't like it??" she raised an eyebrow.

'This brother of her's was so very much doting, he loved her so much that he never got angry on her! No matter how many important things of his were destroyed by her.'

Tang Xiao raised hs head staring at the stars,"Because you knew that if this thing was found by Red Whales, it will be a big disaster. So many years have passed, we are the only ones who are left, I know I shouldn't make it, but it was father's dream. Now that I've made it, I've fullfilled his dream, even if it is destroyed now, it as still completed. Now father can rest in peace..." He laughed lightly staring at the brightest star in the sky.

"Do you know, the star you are staring so emotionally, had already fallen many many years ago!" Tang Hao Xie inturrepted him,"It's just a reflection. So goes with that bracelet. Your father's stupdness caused our family to die, just his stubborness to make that product, what did he called it?...Yah 'Leviter Amor Bracelet'... . It was not his dream, but nightmare. A thing which can be seen is not alwars the right thing."

Tang Hao Xie flipped her fingures, in a blink of an eye, there was a mark of bracelet on her left wrist. She raised her hand and waved her wrist in front of Tang Xiao ,"Just like this product, It looked liked a bracelet, but right after wearing it, it became a mark which melded in my soul..."

Tang Xiao jumped of the shock," You! This! How can this be?? Father said that this thing can be only weared as a bracelet! But..." Before he could finish, Tang Hao Xie cut him off," Don't be over excited! It's a bracelet but not a bracelet. Its just that if someone wears it then it will meld into their soul and become a mark on wrist. It can only be weared by female and if weared by male, then the male will die a horrible death and his soul will be teared into shreds. Of course there is an exception, that is if the wearer is the creator of this bracelet and is male then it will work same as it works with female. What kind of creater are you? You are working on it for 10 years yet you dont even know these things! Have you even read your own notes?"

Tang Xiao blinked his eyes again and again, "Xie'er, tell me, are you fine? tell brother! I'll definitely help you!" Concern can be seen clearly on his face...

Tang Hao Xie flicked her fingers on his forehead, "How did you become a famous doctor? With your silly brain, you cant even pass class 1. You dont need to worry about me, I am better doctor than you!" Tang Xiao's face turned red out of embaressment. He thought 'Do you need to point out my flaws like this? What if my patients heard it? I am sure they'll all run away.'

As they stopped talking they were already in front of their home...