Young Master Of Tang Family, Returned?

Tang Hao Xie was also shocked by the last few scenes as she never expected this would happen, Tang Xiao, her real brother and 'Tang Xiao', 'Tang Hao Xie's' brother looked same...

This world was truly a world of coincidence...

But the scene in front of her was not quite right! The one who was being beaten was although Tang Xiao but he was not the young master of Tang Family!

Yi Baiqi glared at Tang Qi Yao, "I told you, my son was not de..." She was going to continue but suddenly stopped and turned towards Tang Hao Xie, "Where did you find him? Was he in the forest?" She asked.

Tang Hao Xie was about to say 'yes' but was stopped by Tang Xiao, "Wherever I was, You don't need to care! Just tell your old man, he has no right to set my marriage!" Saying so he stood up and sat on Tang Hao Xie's chair.

Tang Hao Xie was shocked by his last words, 'marriage?'... Well... Tang Xiao himself was shocked by those words, it just so happened that while in flow of bragging, he spilled those words out which hit the bullsye.

He felt a sharp pain on his head which made his face pale with sweat covering his head, Yi Baiqi felt the changes and anxiously asked, "What happened? Are you fine? Why is your face pale? Xiao Xiao, can you hear mother?" She asked repeatedly but got no response, This scared Tang Qi Yao too, no matter how angry he was Tang Xiao was still his son!

He shouted at the guards, " What are you watching? Go and call a doctor!" The guards complied with his orders and ran to bring a doctor.

Tang Hao Xie too was shocked by Tang Xiao's pale face so she rushed near him and took his pulse bt it seemed normal, then she put her hand on his forehead, which was grabbed by him, "Don't worry I am fine..." He fainted...

"You said you are fine, but you have fainted!" Tang Hao Xie muttered helplessly, "Why do you always hide it? You can't even endure a cut from small knife, but now you say you are fine? Are you really not stupid? Doctor on my foot! You are even a obedient patient!" While she said this, she was unaware of the shocked gazes of Yi Baiqi and Tang Qi Yao.

"Xie'er, father asks you, when did you met Tang Xiao?" Tang Qi Yao asked with his mouth twitching.

Tang Hao Xie without thing twice replied, "Always."

Tang Qi Yao was speechless, 'Her mother and father send men every month to find her brother whom she met regularly in front of her and she allowed them to do so and now when he asked her about this, she is telling him ,'she always knew him?' This Da*n lass'

He laughed stiffly, "hehe! Tang Hao Xie, can you write prayers?" He asked.

Tang Hao Xie had the memories of the host's body so she knew about prayers so she casually nodded, "Yes I know."

"Good! Copy then 100 times." he said so and then supported the fainted Tang Xiao on Tang Hao Xie's bed.



Tang Xiao felt a sharp pain on his head, he felt as though someone was trying to control him and he subconsciously tried to invade it. He heard a voice but was unable to understand what he heard and suddenly he saw many scenes of his childhood which he was unfamiliar with.

In those scenes he saw Tang Qi Yao, Yi Baiqi, A girl named Tang Ruyi supposedly Tang Hao Xie's big sister and Tang Hao Xie in her baby form till she was five.

Then he saw his bride-to-be and him to be talking alone, and him to be cursing her 18 generation and planning to escape from marriage... But when he was trying to escape he had entered the forest but was attacked by a spiritual beast, which led his death!

'Death? No! this is not my memory! I have not at all died' He thought.

Suddenly he heard a voice, "You have not died. The one who died was me, I want you to live as Tang Xia, the young master of Tang Family and protect them and my little devil. When she was born, a priest said she will not be able to live long after she turned 14, It's my only wish that she can live longer..."Saying so, the voice disappeared and Tang Xiao felt that the pain was getting less and less.



When Tang Xiao opened his eyes again, Tang Hao Xie was sitting behind bed and staring at him, with Tang Qi Yao standing next to her, staring at him, he suddenly remembered how he had called him 'old man' and bragged about him 'begging to treat him', Tang Xiao gulped as cold sweat appeared on his head, he had got the memory of 'Tang Xiao', so how could he not know this old man's temper? 'Well' he thought, 'lets try old method on him, what if it works?'

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Qi Yao and 'warmly' smiled, but there are no 'if's in this world. Reality proved it, he was not even able to maintain that smile for half a minute as he was thrown out of the bed on cold floor.



At this time, in other big families with same ranking, meetings were being held and the topic was , "Young Master of Tang Family, returned..."

"Families with lower rank than Tang Family were giving their daughters orders to try to catch his heart..."

"Emperor was giving order to his eunches, 'Prepare gifts for my master's son, he has returned after many years, We will personally go to greet him.' The eunches were running in and out of treasury and were being rejected, 'He deserves good...No...Next...Something good...' All the eunches were speechless,'Why dont you give your throne to him? it would be the best gift!' Their gazes are telling this to emperor."