Progress IV and Plan

--- Tortus, Heiligh Kingdom ----

" Haji, are you disappointed in your Job?" Jin said to Hajime who was dejected mood.

" No that's not it-. " Hajime tried to denied but Jin stopped him.

" You do not need to hide to me I know you if you are lying were twins after all." Jin said as he look up at the ceiling.

" Why is so unfair I want to fight too, I want to become stronger to surpassed you!" Hajime said with anguish voice as he look at Jin.

" Stupid." Jin said with a smile as he look at Hajime.

" The Job was not anything, anyone can become stronger just like Synergist." he said to Hajime who was listening to him.

" Synergist was not a fighting job!" Hajime rebuking said.


" Ouch!!" Hajime retreated back as he hold on his forehead.

" Listen Synergist maybe not a fighting job but what specialty of Synergist?" Jin said as he was asking him.

" They have ability to create weapons and armor." Hajime answered the question.

" Good and what are we?" He asked again.

" We are apostle in another world." Hajime answered.

" Bingo, use that power to create a weapon from our world, what is lacking in this world?" Jin said as he asked again.

" Guns and Mecha " Hajime said as he was enlightened by his own words.

" Right, then show them that being an non- fighting job can be a strongest, with your power you can conquer Sky, Land and Sea with your creation you may even surpassed me later on" Jin said as he tap the shoulder of Hajime as he was about to walked out.

" Many thanks aniki one day I will surpass you in the future." Hajime said as he renew his determination.

" Okay okay, you should talk to sister-in-law she must be worrying for you." He said teasingly to Hajime.

"Thank- no we have not advance our relationship in that level aniki!" Hajime said with a blush.

" Hahahaha!!" Jin's laughter could be heard in the hallway as he returned to his room.

-- The next day ---

Everyone had gathered in the training ground to do their own perspective training.

" Captain Meld-san can I request ?" Hajime said to Captain Meld who was observing anyone.

" Oh Nagumo-kun what is your request?" Captain Meld said to Hajime who was in front of him.

" I would like to request a permission to use the materials in the storage room and to make a weapon from our world I'm sure it was a great help in the war." Hajime calmly said as he showed his blueprint to Captain Meld, the contains of the blueprint was a sketch of Revolver pistol , Assault Riffle AK-47, Anti-Materiel Sniper.

" This is ?" Captain Meld asked with surprised voice.

" That's our weapons in our world they we're called Guns. It was a weapon that could shoot in a long distance if this weapons combines with the materials in this world their durability will got increase plus if it's enchance by the magic it was enough to kill a giant demon beast." he said to Captain Meld to make sure that he could follow his explanation, he knew was only Captain Meld was easy to asked for request, which is the latter will request to the king if he gave his explanation related to guns.

" You say this is your world's weapons correct?" Captain Meld asked.

" Yes." Hajime said with resolution.

" Very well I will request his highness to grant you a permission to use the materials in the storage room and you will giving your own workshop." He said as he patted the shoulder of Hajime as he entered the castle.

" So he accepted your works?" Jin emerge in the shadow behind Hajime as he asked him.

" Yeah" Hajime nodded his head to Jin.

" Your dream to make Mecha will got into reality, now as for the guns you will experience to use it now without restraint." Jin said as he smiled while the latter also smile because of his long buried dream will get achieve.

" Haji-chan I found you, where did you go?" Suzu suddenly appeared between them.

" Nothing I just give request to Captain Meld to grant me permission for materials." Hajime said as he did not hide to Suzu.

" Is that so, okay let's train together! Jin-kun may I borrow Haji-chan?" she said as she look at Jin with pleading face.

" Okay don't be formal to me you know you can call me with just name or brother-in-law if you want, I'm going to training anyway good luck for your honeymoon." Jin said as he grinned at the two couple.

" Um if you insist then." Suzu said as she blushed.

" No no no aniki was joking at all, don't be serious about that." Hajime said as he was blushing his face.

--- 7 days later ---

After the king grant his wish to use storage room and gave him a workshop to start his creation of guns, Hajime was enthusiastically gave his time to his work sometimes he was not go out from his workshop, Suzu was supporting him as sometimes she was staying with him after the training which is she earned a knowing smile from Jin and the others of their classmates.

[ Partner it's been a while since you use the Nihility of Three Realms, where do you want to use it?] Ddraig said as he anticipate to unleash the power of boosted gear since that incident was still fresh from his mind, being an soul remains of Boosted Gear he was slowly influence by Jin when it comes from experimentation of power sometimes he was the one who instigate him for more experiments.

" Later after the one month training, sure the Mana here was vastly enough for long experiments maybe we can unlock more forms of Boosted Gear." Jin said as they where in the isolated forest travel through via Shadow Path Technique, he was here for training as want to test his magic at the demon beast. After 10 minutes of searching he found a demon beast looks like a tyrannosaurus rex in Earth which covered in red scales.

" Time to experiment, Explosion!!"

He shouted as magic circle emerge on his forefinger as crimson black fire shoot out to the demon beast.


After Explosion there was nothing remains at the demon beast.

" Hooh, now I know why Megumin loves Explosions, Explosion is an Art." Jin said with understanding expression.

[ What a great Explosion you have partner, when will you use the Apocalypse Explosion?] Ddraig asked as he became a Explosion addict.

" Next time we will find a wick country that need as a target, you know me right?" Jin said as he ready to return.

[ Okay as long as there was Explosion let me know right.] Ddraig said as he returned to his sleep.

-- 14 days later --

Hajime finished his first three types of guns as he was ready to use as he has Fire Arms Mastery he want to train his gun kata as his instincts.

" Haji are you there?" Jin knock the door.

" What is it aniki." Hajime replied as he open the door.

" I have request." Jin said to Hajime as he showed his status card.

" Request? sure what is it?" he said as he saw many skills on it.

" I would like to try to copy your Transmute skill." Jin said as he saw the guns that he recently finished.

" Is that your Skill Copy isn't it?" he excitedly said as he saw many skills that came from his classmates in the status card.

" Yes and of course I will grant you a skill that you need most." Jin said he showed his new skill which is called Skill Grant which is allowed him to give a Skills that existed in his status card and the other one is Eagle Eyes which is the one he give to Hajime.

" Why not, the skill that you give was most important this time, as I finish the three guns as a test fire on the training ground do you wanna try too?" he was gladly for Jin which is help him so many times during their childhood as he was always focus on his hobby which is will cause him to be isolated in society as a twin brother of him, he was very proud to have a brother like him.

" Okay show me your status card as configuration for skill copy." Jin said as he activate his skill copy which is giving him a bright red light as the latter hurriedly give his status card to Jin.

" [ Skill Copy: Transmute ] " Jin called out his skill as the two cards has match, the Skill Copy was activated as there was a Transmute skill in Jin's Status card.

" [ Skill Grant: Eagle Eyes ] " as he continued and use the other skill to give the skill in Hajime's Status Card.

" Argh!!" Hajime yelp in pain as there was a changes in his eyes which is allowed him to zoom in and zoom out on his will, and his eyes appearance was like a eagle coupled with the Amber brown eyes, it can assimilate to his eyes as no one will notice the change.

" Hah hah, so this is the feeling when they were granted a skills by the others without gaining by itself, but aniki why did you not warn me if they are pains that will receive." Hajime said as he was panting his breath as cold sweat dripping on his back.

" I got an information from the rumors that in the deepest floor of the dungeon that dungeon master will grant you their Age of God Magic if you clear the whole dungeon maybe this is the way led us return to our world." Jin said but lied from the gathering information via rumors as he gave him a hope to return to the Earth.

" Really?" Hajime was surprised that there was a way to return their world.

" Yes but you need to keep this as a secret." Jin said as he whispered to Hajime.

" Secret? why?" Hajime asked.

" They were many secret that did not told us and there was many secret that the public did not know, Ehit can easily annihilate to extinct the demon race if he wants but why did bother to summon us if many people praise him as a strongest existence in this world, there was many fishy in this world as why the Demon race was able to control the demon beast as arsenal for the war, plus I don't want to give our classmates a false hope and if the church will know this we will marked as a heretic no matter who we are." Jin said this quietly as possible that only Hajime could hear.

" Then what is your plan?" Hajime knows his brother's telling to him as he knows the consequences if this information was leaked.

" Let's Conquer the Seven Great Dungeon as we will use the Hero Party as a decoy." Jin said calmly.

" Why are you using them as a decoy?" his said as was a bit conflicted for using his classmates.

" This Ehit was observing us, or more importantly to the Hero Party." he said this and nothing more.

"!!!" Hajime was shocked when he heard that there was observing them which is the hated most.

" For now let's keep a lay low for now" Jin said as he disappeared in the shadow.

--- The End ---