Progress V & First Blood

Warning: this chapter have contents of violence and gore.

--- Tortus, Heiligh Kingdom, Training Ground ---

During the one month training Jin and Hajime was focus in creation of Gunsword which is exclusive only for the twins, as they use too many restrictions on Gunsword such as without permission of the two creator, the holder will shot out by one million voltage of Lightning which is generated by Devil Jin, but it was different from ordinary lightning which will targeting the soul instead of physical body, the other will devour the life force of the holder of Gunsword except the twins. They use the strongest metal in the Tortus ( which is can withstand from a thousand strike from Jin in full power like True Devil Transformation and Nihility of Three Realms), and they use the best conductive materials for the mechanism of the gun parts.

They also use a restrictions too for the standard gun that Hajime's showed in the blueprint such as hidden barrel that pointed at the holder to shoot them and self-destruction feature each gun whoever use this guns against them the restrictions will activate and the damage of self-destruction feature was like facing an anti-tank landmine.

The last day of the month of training was finished as the gather at the training ground to show their gains in training.

Jin Nagumo ---- Age: 17 ---- Male ---- Level: 20

Job: Sword Emperor


Strength: 350(35.000)

Vitality: 400(40.000)


Defense: 450(45.000)

Magic: 400(40.000)

Magic Resistance: 380(38.000)


Pinnacle Sword Mastery, Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Superhuman Strength (Herculean Strength), Grandmaster Magic Mastery ( combination of basic, medium, advance, forbidden magic mastery), Metamorphosis Magic( Devil Transformation, Dragon Transformation), Armor Proficiency ( Boosted Gear Forms), Skill Copy, Skill Grant, Enchancment Magic Mastery, Foresight, Steel Skin, Assassination Arts Mastery, Language Comprehension, Acrobatics Mastery, Health Regeneration ( Troll's Regeneration Level), Transmute, Increase Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Aura Mastery, Eagle Eyes, Shadow Mastery(Shadow Clone and Shadow Path Technique), Body Tempering Mastery ( Muscle Compression Technique)

[AN: I use Armor Proficiency and Metamorphosis Magic as disguised for his Boosted Gear and Devil Gene and his Dragonborn Transformation as too much hassle to write the hidden skills]

All of them has progressed in their one month of training except the group of seven people, as they requested for another type of training regime as extermination of bandits to overcome their hesitation to kill a people except for Jin who was experience to kill in Earth. He said to Captain Meld that their training regime will not gain experiences if they are staying in the Kingdom, as the main fighter of the Hero Party they have to be a resolute and be prepared to kill without hesitation.

-- Flash back --

The group of seven people was wandering in the forest where possible bases of the bandits was located they are none other than Jin, Hajime, Shizuku, Kaori, Kouki, Ryutarou and Suzu.

" Hey is it alright to kill them? maybe we can negotiate them." Kouki said to Jin who was in the front of the group was leading them in the forest, the latter was looking at him without expression as at cause a sudden flinched in their body.

"As I said the war was full of killing did you forget my words that I say to you, this is the easiest and fastest way to overcome your hesitation to kill was Bandit Extermination, you don't need to feel guilt to kill them as they was not human to us for their deed like slavery, rape and etc think them as germs that need to kill." Jin said without expression as he group those bandits to his nemisis (Underworld/Underground people) as he unconsciously let out his murderous intent on his surroundings as the other six was retreated back quickly as they feel an uncomfortable vibe on Jin.

" There was a people who will use your family or your closest to you to show your weaknesses, as all you need is to kill." he continued at he catch a glimpse of camps and many people who was wearing a hide armor and low quality weapons such sword, axe, spear, bow. They have a five prisoners which is their limbs was tied together as they have difficulty to move, all of them was a woman was wearing a decent dress that it looks like they have perspective household from the way of their dressed.

" Boss when we will be able to enjoy them together, we are itch to let out to them!" one of the bandits was asking his boss who was only was wearing a steel armor was polishing his greatsword on his lap.

" Hm, we can enjoy them anytime but their quality will decrease if we sell them to the slave merchant, we can wait as we will go to the city we will find any women that can pleasure us." The Bandit Boss said as he look at the five prisoners who was struggling in their might as their face filled with despair.

" Then Boss we can pick a one to play with us as we can sell them to the Slave Me-" one of the underlings was proposing the idea but he was interrupted as his windpipe was pierced by a throwing dagger out of nowhere.

" Whose there show yourself bastard!!!" The Bandit Boss roared as be look at his surroundings and his underlings was surrounded him as they protect him.

* swooshh!!*

A shadow was appeared out of nowhere was standing at the shoulder of the Bandit Boss as each hand was holding a dozens of throwing knives.

" Wh-who are you!!" the Bandit Boss said with fear because someone can break through the human barricade as he arrived on him without a single blink in their eyes as he saw a young man who was wearing a black knight uniform which is consist of Black Military Coat, Black Trousers, Black Long Boots, Golden Spaulders that attached on it's shoulder which is typical for a general rank of military. His crimson-amber eyes was look at him without expression as if he was looking at the corpse, the Bandit Boss was thinking that this young man was related to the prisoners.

" Calm down we can talk about this right? the prisoners was related to you right? then how about I give you the prisoners but please let us go!" the Bandit Boss said as he beg at the young man was none other than Jin. When his group was near at their target base Jin who has a Dragon Sense can hear the conversation of the bandits he felt rage which is familiar to him during his first kill when he rescued Shizuku and Kaori in the old factory which is filled with thugs and criminals.

His rage was consume him as he suddenly disappeared within his group as he rush out to the Bandit base camp as he bought out many throwing knives made from the ground via Transmute, which is the skill that he copy from Hajime's Status Card his mastery over transmution has gone up as he don't need to touch the ground to start his Transmute as they will levitate to his grasp.

" Kill." Jin emotionlessly said as he threw a first batch of throwing knives near at the Bandit Boss which is passed through the windpipe of the person, and he use his Shadow Path Technique as he teleport to the shoulder of the Bandit Boss who was looking at him with fear. When the Bandit Boss was pleading to him, his answer was.

" Kill."

*wotch!!! wootchh* a meat piercing sounds.*

" Warghggg!!" The Bandit Boss cried out as his face was embedded with multiple knives skillfully as the face was skinned out from his face as it shows his skull and his eyeballs was fall out as he crouch down to endure the pain and agony.

" BOSS!!" many of his underlings was cried out of shock as they retreated back in fear to the young man who was basically skinning a human in front of them like an animal who was hunted by a hunter. A sense of dread was looming to them as they are paralyzed in their place after they retreat back.

"Arggghhh!!!" all of then finally feel the pain as they look down they saw many pointed rock that can easily penetrate the iron armor much less the leather materials of their boots.

- one minute later -

None of the Bandit groups was survive except the prisoners who was looking at Jin with hope as they did not mind his cruelty to the Bandits as if their revenge was paid to them.

" Are you alright?" Jin said as he go back to normal and none of the blood was stained his clothes. The six people who was the Hero Party was looking at him with shock and fear ,he break the cage contains the five prisoners and he rip apart the ropes that tied to their limbs.

" Jin just what are you?" Shizuku said as her face was pale as paper.

" Jin-kun what happened to you?" Kaori said without fear to Jin.

The rest of the group was silent as four of them was trembling in fear as they saw his other side of him, even his twin brother was hesitant to ask him.

" This is the way of Exterminating the Bandits, kill them whenever they guard down, do not let them use the prisoners as hostage to hesitate you for killing them, do not let them to talk you as they will stall time to prepare to ambush you." Jin said to them without looking at them as he checked the prisoners as they will escort them in the near town.

" This is our training regime till the end of the duration of One Month training, which is to let you accustomed for killing, this is the main goal of the war it will be to kill or be killed."

As he added this words as he take out water gourd made of leather which is he inscription the gourd to let him almost unlimited supply of water and another inscriptions that allow the water to maintain the cold temperature and purifying the water. As he let the prisoners to drink the water to rehydrate their bodies as they were keep at the cage in the whole day as they didn't drink the water that bandits gave them.

- Flash back end -

With that Jin train them how to kill from simple bandits to a small organization, their minds was hardened as they kill many criminals as they were numb to it. Shizuku and Kaori was gotten to close to Jin knowing that they were the reason that he started to walk to the path of killing for his family and their sake, they want to share his burden to them as they also willing to follow his path of kill for him.

" This is interesting your growth potential was sprouted out in your bodies as you experience the first hand of killing, you guys need to take a long rest to lessen the burden in you as tomorrow we will start the journey to the Orcus Great Dungeon we will meet up at the front of the castle." Captain Meld said as he look at the status card if the Hero Party as he could feel a murderous aura in their bodies.

-- The End ---