Great Orcus Dungeon II & Fall

--- Tortus, Orcus Great Dungeon---

--- 10th Floor ---

They got to down floor by floor and defeat many monsters, the whole class was started to learn how to operate themselves in the dungeon but they still to guide by Captain Meld and his soldiers in case that they activate one of many traps in the dungeon that will cause their demise. Jin and the others was a main vanguard of the party because of their experience in tactical and strategical skills was in the boundary of amateur and professional, Jin, Kouki and Ryutarou was in the front lines as they have Armor Proficiency skill and Defensive skill in their status card which is gave them an endurance against the attack of the monsters while they give them a mobility that impossible for heavy armor user to move in unpredictable changes in the battlefield.

*Clang!!!*clang!!!! clang!!!!!clang!!!!!!clang!!!!!!!*

A sounds of metal that clashing together could be heard in the whole floor of the dungeon, as they facing the stone golem not just one but five, four of the stone golems was surrounded them in the four direction while the other one was use the chance to slammed itself in the middle but unfortunately they have blocked the Jin and Ryutarou as they fend it away from the group.

Jin was not using his Gunsword as he was using the black steel gauntlet with erected claws as he was using the Mishima Karate style from the Tekken which is famous for it's destructive power added by Devil Gene in their bodies each one of punch of this they could generate a shockwave if it landed good knows how long they recovered from the injuries. Ryutarou was using this style as well but the gap between them was too huge from their masteries, the golem was earned deep cracks in the chest which is also damage the core that also cause it's action to halt by Jin, while Ryutarou had dealt it in the stomach which is cause to have a small crack.

" Are you finished there?" Jin asked as he look at the surroundings, two of the golems was shut down by Hajime and the others while the other group was struggling to maintain the defense as clash at the two golems. Captain Meld and his soldiers was in stand by as they let the students to gain experience in dealing an enemy with a higher defense.

" Let me deal this one." Jin said as he use the focus punch of Tekken JIN as he could generate the aura in his entire left arm as his fist was aimed at the golem and his right arm was in the above waist as he form the without the basic stance of karate as he dash at his target.

*Bannngggg!!!* *crack!!!*

His fist was landed in center part of the golem, the golem was turning into a fine powder due to the destructiveness of the focus punch, the rest was solved by the others.

-- 15 minutes later --

They arrive at the end of the tenth floor which is devoid of monsters, as there was no monsters they use the place to take a break.

" Captain Meld-san what is that crystal?" One of the students said as she pointing the large crystal with a same size of basketball was glimming in the dark many was mesmerized at the crystal as they want to approach it.

" It was just ordinary crystal but they were using as decorations at the wedding rings which is perfect for proposing to your special someone." Captain Meld answered the question as he also look at the crystal.

' Heh for proposing ehh I think I should get that before that Nagumo could for Kaori' Hiyama muttered as he was determined to take the crystal to give it to Kaori as he climb in the wall to take the crystal.

" Hey be careful that maybe a trap!!" Captain Meld shouted at Hiyama who was not listening to him as he continued to climb.

" Yata!" Hiyama was overjoyed when he managed to touch the crystal.

*Shhiinggg!!!!* the crystal was lit up and blinded everyone in the place they didn't manage to notice the huge magical circle beneath their feet.

"Everyone gather together, shit this brat for not listening!!" Captain Meld commandingly said to everyone as they gather together in case that enemies was ambushing them.

* Wiiiinggg!!!*

" Shit Teleportation Trap!" Captain Meld said as he wants to warn them get out in magic circle but it was too late as everyone was vanished in the tenth floor.

-- 65th Floor --

Everyone was appeared in the middle of the stone bridge which is between the two passages, the stone bridge was wide enough about twenty meters and the length was fifty meters. Everyone was cautious as they arrive at the floor which not discovered in the whole history in the Adventurers Guild as the strongest party that could they ventured was in the sixtieth floor, so they should be more careful as they had arrived at the unknown floor.

* Woooshhh!!*

A huge magic circle was glowed twenty meters in front of them was a Huge monster that towering of ten meters as Its shaped similar to a triceratops, with a head like that of a bull with two huge horns sprouting on its head, and has glowing red eyes.

" Everyone retreat we should get back to the entrance as we leave this floor hurry up!!!" Captain Meld yelled as he and his soldiers was covered the rear of the class as they let them escape from the huge monster.

" This should be called 'Behemoth' a monster should be only at the sixty fifth floor why are we here which are we!" Captain Meld said to everyone while preparing to defend the incoming attacks from the behemoth, as they form a v-shape formation and they place a tower shield each vanguard with a help of Enchancment Magic.

" Rrrrrwwooooaaarrrr!!!!" the Behemoth roared as it release a Crimson light and shot towards them.

" Everyone move aside and brace yourself!" Captain Meld said as he also held the tower shield to lessen the damage coming from the crimson light ray.

" Whaaaahh!!" One of the students shouted with fear because in front of them there was also a huge magic circle as it summon many Skeleton knights which is called Traum Soldiers. It should be found on the 38th floor, it's a Skeleton Knight monster with red eyes and a darkish body and carries a sword and shield.

" What!!! this is bad hurry up and don't panic use your formation that I taught you!!" Captain Meld said as he draw out his sword from the scabbard on his back as he will intercept the behemoth to garner it's attention.

" Just do what he said what the heck did you learn that you will just panic this time!!" Jin said harshly to wake them from the panic.

" Vanguard prepare for intercepting this skeletons with your defensive skill if your damage was high enough use your chance to chipped their defenses, Mages use your magic with minimal Mana requirement to not emptied your during this battle, Rangers use the chance to attack them while they focused in the vanguard." Jin was taking the command as many quick-witted enough to respond to his order as he looking at his group.

" Suzu use your barrier to intercept the attacks that enough to kill the vanguard, Kaori also assist Suzu for intercepting the fatal attacks if there was serious injuries use your recovery magic do not waste it to the minor injuries, the rest follow me we will assist Captain Meld for intercept the Behemoth I know it's dangerous at least we will lessen the burden while defeating the army of skeletons!" Jin said as he pulled out his Gunsword as he turned on the Overheat Mode.

* Brooom!!brooom!!brooom!!!*

A sounds like motorcycle could be heard but it was the noise came from the Gunsword which is currently generate the heat that could melt the toughest material in the Earth without Resistance.

" Kyaah!!" a screamed could be heard.

" Tsk! why now." Jin clicked his tongue as he look at the source of voice, he saw Yuka was kneeling as she was injured in her knees while in front of her Traum Soldier which is preparing to strike down it's weapon to her, she closed her eyes as if she was waiting for the pain that she will receive.

* Slash!!!*

" Huh?" Yuka who was waiting for the strike was not feel the pain, as she open her eyes he saw Jin was in front of her while the Traum Soldier was in the floor was cease to move, she could feel the warm feeling that could transmit in her knees as he helped her out to stand up.

" You should be careful and go back to the rear, your wounds was not fully recovered."

Jin said as he carry her near at Kaori which is the latter will gave her complete recovery as she can resume in the battle.

" Transmute!!! transmute!!! transmute!!!!" Hajime was calling his skill to create another bridge to make another path way to escape this floor.

* Crumble!!*

It was not enough to gain a foothold which is suddenly shattered as it fall in the abyss.

" Transmute!!!! transmute!!!!! transmute!!!!!!"

Hajime change his plan as he use the ground to create a hole that fit enough he group of monsters.

" Yeah!!" " Yes we survived" many of the students was sigh in relieved when the magic circle was not spawning the Traum Soldiers.

" Wait we should help Jin and the others are intercepting the Behemoth" Shizuku said as she started to run to the battlefield where Behemoth was located.


* Wushrriiitt*

A thick skin that protecting the behemoth was sliced as many openings was saw as it's flesh was burnt because of Overheat Mode it hardly enough to not regenerate to it's peak.

" Transmute!!!! transmute!!!! transmute!!!!" Hajime yelled as he continued to use his skill to the point if exhaustion as he managed to trapped the Behemoth as he and he create a giant hole

" Everyone pick them up I cannot maintain this or else we farewell !!" Hajime said as he hold the Gunsword as he was took the bullets that can assist him to generate the magic as he could use the Enchancment Magic.

" Everyone stand by and prepare to bombard the behemoth to fall!!" Captain Meld said as he retrieved the injured comrades.


" Fire Ball" Wind Blade" Icicles"

Many magic was attacked the Behemoth, which is managed to retreat them by step as they will also near as the power of the magic was greater if the caster was near. When a second wave of attack was about to deploy he look at the everyone who was chanting the magic via magic circle as he saw Hiyama was secretly aim at him.

* Ptsuu!!*

He threw a three needles which is contains the three types of poison, Truth Serum, Paralyze Potion, High-end Sense Serum at Hiyama.

Hiyama who was secretly chanting the magic and who was the first one who fired at the second wave as they saw that magic who was aiming, they turned around to face Jin.

" Nagumo-kun move aside!!!" One of the students said as he gave a warning against him, while the latter did hear him as but he pretending to not hear as he continued to intercept the Behemoth.

" Uwaaaqqqckkk!!!" Hiyama flinched as the three needles was embedded in the three importamt places such as forehead, his Heart, and his navel which is the poison could easily influence.

* Bannngggg!!!!*

""""""" Jin(-kun)( aniki)(-san)"""""" his team shouted with surprised as he was falling in the abyss, they want to saved him but they was blocked by Captain Meld.

" What's the meaning of this why did you block us!!!!!" Hajime roared at Captain Meld as he could not tolerate those kind of people that could easily abandoned the teammates, they could save Jin in the matter of time if they were not blocked by this people.

""...."" Shizuku and Kaori was silent which is uncomfortable enough within the group. They look at Hiyama who was struggling to get up as he was laughing as he was successfully get rid him, because the effect of Truth Serum he could not hide his intentions to everyone, which is the latter was disgusted at his behavior.

""...."" Shizuku and Kaori look each other with blank faces except their eyes that filled with fury. As they walked towards him they hold the weapon in their hands.

" What's the meaning of this!" Shizuku said without emotion as she held up her weapon in her hands as she was ready to kill him.

" Hehehe hahahahah at last he was gone hahaha no one will claim Kaori as she was only mine, that bastard should be since then hahahaha!!!!" Hiyama who in the influence of Truth Serum said without she'd of shame.

Shizuku look at Kaori while the latter nodded her head, as Shizuku swang down her blade as she slash his head which is separated from his body. Kaori use her new skill which is develop by her and Jin which is called Time Reversal it allowed her to rewind the past, with that Hiyama was revived as they continue to Torture hire till he was mind break and he was feed to the one of the monsters.

Jin was not only teach them how to extermination and he will also teach them how to Torture some of the prisoners.


" Heh he think that he was successfully huh, the flower he was desiring was turn into something a wild rose, what pain that he will receive before he died as the one who kill him was the one who he like hehehe." Jin said while he was free falling down towards the abyss with his wing was spreading wide as he was in current Incomplete Devil Transformation as he only need his wings too lessen the impact to the ground.

" Now then let's start to conquer partner!" he said to Ddraig which is currently awake.

[ Yeah, you can unleash your Explosions without restraint.] Ddraig said as he was excited about the the monsters in the lower level which is called The True Orcus Great Dungeon.

-- To be Continued --