Great Orcus Dungeon VII

---- Tortus, True Great Orcus Dungeon ---

---- Lower level, Dungeon Master's Room---

Jin and Yue entered the room through the secret door behind the Hydra's body they saw the field was like a typical countryside were many trees in the surroundings, as there was a luxurious bed with a curtain that covering it was near in the fountain were they can use as relaxation during the daytime, there was a luxurious mansion near in the trees which is near in the pond.

" Hey, if I had a way to return to my world do you want to come with me?" Jin said while he walking to the entrance of the building.

" Mmn.. I will never let you go whenever you go." She said as she was looking at Jin who was looking at her after she answered.

" Then there's no turning back, I will chase you even in another world." Jin said as he hold the hand of Yue, they arrive at the door of the building.


Even though the building was maintain it appearance in a long time, but years of accumulated the dust and covered the whole room when they entered inside the building.

" Well.... I expect this, there's no way will clean this dungeon after a several years, wanna go explore a bit more?" he said as look at Yue who was also looking around because it's been a long time since she saw a proper house after she was sealed in the dungeon.

" Hmm.. okay." Yue said as she hold firm his hand.


--- Earth, Japan ----

-- A certain underground building ---

A room filled with many workers was wearing an apron, face mask, surgical gloves and hairnet was working each their own work, a beaker in the top of a lamp with a chemical substance could be seen through the glass.

There five people was wearing an expensive tuxedo as they watch the workers, who was doing there job for them.

" Boss it seems the rumors about disappearance in the whole class where 'that monster' was studying is true even him was included in missing students." One of the man in tuxedo spoke his words the leader of the group people.

" Heh.. then we will claim again our territory from 'that monster' it's sure that many rats was hiding from himself will show again." the leader said as he sigh of relief when the news that Jin was included in the missing students.

" Hehehe it's sure his family will pay to what he did to us." one of the man in tuxedo beside the person who started to talk.

* Baaammm!!!*

A huge explosion in the room was happen as many workers was in panic, the five people was looking around restlessly for searching the cause of explosion.

" Hoh.. this is the were the rats was hiding eh." a voice with mixed of carefree tone could be heard in the whole room.

" H--h-how!" the leader said with fear as he was familiar in that voice.

" I just heard a magic word." Jin said jokingly at them as he appeared beside them which scared them to death, while Jin sat at chair which is exclusive only to the boss of the Mafia with a carefree attitude.

" We thought that you included to the missing students! how can you be here!?" The leader said as he cautiously held his gun on his holster in the waist, but Jin who noticed his moved was still indifferent as he didn't care about them.

" Well then, this is the last hideout will be wiped out near in my territory, you should be proud that you are the last one who will be taste this annihilation and goodbye." Jin said as he snap his finger.

[ Explosion!!! ] Mechanical voice could be heard in the surroundings.


" Arrrghhh!!!" some people was screaming inside the underground building.

-- 3 minutes later --

After the explosion that happen many dead people was turning into ash while the other was burned to charcoal.

" Now then the rats was exterminated time to guard my territory and report this to master." Jin who was unscathed in the Explosions was walked out to the destroyed building.

The Jin or aka Jin Kurogane in the Earth was an artificial human created by Jin(MC) who was found the research materials in the certain ancient ruin which is manufacturing a Homunculus, which is got Jin an another way to create a creature that identical to him instead of creating a shadow clone which will consume an enormous Mana on his body exclude the fact that he was in another world.

He was sure that many people with a ill intention like Underworld Organization which is the group that his target to eliminate in his territory. Jin Kurogane has a strength of Jin before he transported in the World of Tortus, Jin gave a small portion of his Devil Gene to his Homunculus when an emergency was needed, it will automatically transform into a Devil Jin.They could communicate via bloodline to report what happened in the Earth or Tortus.

--- Tortus, True Great Orcus Dungeon ---

-- Lower level, Dungeon Master's Room --

" Hoh it looks like he exterminated them at all heh." Jin said as he received the report of his creation via Bloodline Connection.

" What is it Jin?" Yue ask as she was looking at him confused as they arrive at the destination.

" Nothing it was report of my creation in my world." he said as he saw the giant door, he open it with a light push the giant door was opened slowly.

" Creation?" she asked again.

" A Homunculus."

" It is a artificial creature created via alchemy?" she said to Jin as they inspected the whole room.

" Yeah but I use different way even I'm in far away from my world it can automatically maintain itself like pouring a Mana on it's core to be able to move itself it also has intelligence which it could par in the ordinary people."

" Are you not worried that Homunculus will betrayed you?" she asked because there was a bit insecurity on herself of being betrayed even she knew the whole reason.

" Don't worry I program it before I activate the Homunculus as he will see me as Father, Ancestor, Master, Creator. If there was a chance of betrayal I will detonate the Bloodline in their gains."he said as he lead Yue inside the room which currently a dim, but each step the lamp was lit up one by one and as the arrived at the center of the room there was a 7-8 m wide exquisite and delicate magic formation engraved on the floor in the center of the room; the design was something they had never seen before. A rather splendid geometrical patterned formation and it looked like art.

However, something else was more noteworthy. On the other side of the magic formation was a figure sitting in a regal chair. The figure was a corpse. It was already been skeletonized and there was a stunning black robe embroidered with gold on its body. There was not a single stain on it and it seemed to be an object from a haunted house.

The corpse hung its head, while leaning on the chair. It had been decayed in that posture. What did this person think of in this room with only a magic formation? Why did it choose this place, instead of the bedroom or living room?

" Is this the Creator of this dungeon ?"

This person was probably one of the Liberators. No signs of suffering could be seen on the figure that rested on the chair. It seemed like the figure was waiting for someone.

" Yeah it should be, as we check the whole mansion it was this skeleton has only remains and this skeleton has a key to open any the sealed room, wait for me here

"Okay…Be careful."

Jin stepped forward towards the magic formation. The moment he stepped into the center of the magic formation, a snow-white light flashes suddenly and the room is dyed with the light.

Due to the intensity, Jin closed his eye. Something invaded into his head immediately after, and he went through the time he fell into the abyss like a revolving lantern.

The light soon settled and Jin opened his eyes; in front of his eyes…was a young man in black clothing.

A young man was standing in front of Jin, and if they looked closely the man was wearing the same robe as the corpse on the chair.

"You have arrived here after overcoming the trials. My name is Oscar Orcus. The person who created this dungeon. If I said one of the Traitors, would you understand?"

The creator of the "Orcus Dungeon". Jin was not surprised as he knew what dialogue he will heard but he kept listening.

"Ah, please don't ask questions. This is just a recording, unfortunately, it wouldn't be able to answer your questions. For the person to reach this place, I will impart the truth of the world and what we fought for…this is the leftover message. I took this shape. Please I want you to listen…We are traitors but we are also not."

Then Orcus started his story, it was same as Yue's Dad(Uncle) story about but it has more detailed so , he let him continue his story.

A tale of the battle between the Mad God and his descendants.

During the first years after the Age of Gods, the world was filled with strife. Humans, Devils, and Demi-Humans were constantly at war with each other. The reason for their wars varies. Territorial expansion, ethnic values, greed, and much others. The biggest reason was "Enemy of God".

During that time the races and countries were finely divided. Each of the race and country would worship their own god. For their god's oracle, they continued to wage their war.

After hundreds of years of countless battles, but there came people who wanted to end this war. The group was called "Liberators" during those days.

They all had a common connection. All of them were direct descendants of the gods that were followed in the Age of Gods. The leader of the "Liberators" had, by chance, found out the real intentions of the gods.

The gods had urged the wars with the intention of having the people be the pieces in their war game. When he found this out, the leader set out on a mission. He gathered like minded people who would not stand for the gods manipulating the people and driving them to war for their games.

They located the place where the gods resided, "World of God". There were 8 of them that had the strength of ancestral times in "Liberators", and with their powerful strength challenged the gods.

However, the plan fails before the fighting began.

The gods were the puppet masters of the people, and they had gotten people to recognize the "Liberators" as the enemy of god that wanted to bring destruction to the world. People were made to be their enemies.

There were complications in the process, after all, they couldn't wield their power against the people they were trying to protect. When the "Liberators" were defeated they were labeled as "Traitors", the traitors who forgot the grace of god and wanted to destroy the world.

At the end, their group had been dwindled to the 8 strongest. They were now the world's enemies and they judged that they were not strong enough to strike down the gods. Each of them scattered around the continent and created the 8 Great Dungeon to hide in.

The dungeon was a trial to find a worthy person to hand over their powers, and with it accomplish what they could not.

Orcus smiles gently after he finished that long story.

"I don't know who you are or what reason you arrived here for. I will not coerce you into killing God. However, I wanted you to know. What we stood for.

…To you, I grant my powers. You are free to use it as you will.

Please do not use this power to satisfy the evil in your heart.

Our conversation is at an end. Thank you for listening. Now your free will won't be under supervision."

After he finished what he said, the recorded image of Orcus disappeared. Something invaded Jin's mind at the same time. His mind ached a little, he ignore the pain quietly because it imprinted knowledge of a certain magic.

Soon, both the pain and magic formation settled. Jin slowly exhaled.

" Jin are you okay?"

" I'm fine it's just a little pain but nothing more, nothing less I received the Age of God Magic which is called Creation, come on relieve your reward in the Magic Formation but be careful because you'll get a painful headache if you received his Age of God Magic" Jin said as left at the magic formation to let Yue claim her price.

--- To Be Continued ---