Great Orcus Dungeon VIII and Transformation of Magical Hajime

--- Tortus, True Great Orcus Dungeon ---

--- Lower level, Dungeon Master's Room ---

" Are you okay?" Jin asked as he saw Yue was cried in pain on her head as the information of the Age of God Magic was transmitting to her mind.

" I'm alright ha ha." she said while panting, even though she was use to pain as she has an Automatic Regeneration which is save her many times in the past. It was different when the pain was directly to the mind as well, but to be walking alongside with Jin was her goal then she didn't mind her pain as she wants to get stronger.

" Come here let's rest for now, let's go to room we'll talk later about our plans." He said without waiting for Yue to respond, he quickly lift her in princess carry to find a place to rest. A few minutes later they arrive at the bedroom which is located in the where near in the fountain, he place her at top of the bed as he put the blanket on her body. After that he went out to far in the fountain as he feels that his Muscle Compression Technique was slowly losing its effect as he was cannot control his strength if it's suddenly erupted thirty meters around him will destroyed if just aura along with his strength, even the most toughest material in the Tortus will leave a strong dent on it's surface.

[ Muscle Compression Technique ]


After he start to activate his skill, his bones in all of his body was starting destroyed itself and it repeatedly construct itself in vice versa. As a result the strength from his body was slowly left or it's says that it was absorb in his body turning into a inner strength, after a few minutes he checked the status card on his hand


Jin Nagumo --- Age: 17 --- Male --- Level: 99

Job: Sword Emperor


Strength: 100(2.090.000)

Vitality: 100(1.950.000)

Agility: 100(2.000.000)

Defense: 100(1.995.000)

Magic: 100(1.950.000)

Magic Resistance: 100(1.900.000)


Battle God Mastery( Combination of Pinnacle Sword Mastery, Pinnacle Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Pinnacle Fire Arms Mastery, Pinnacle Spear Mastery, Pinnacle Hammer Mastery, Pinnacle Axe Mastery, Pinnacle Throwing Weapons Mastery, Pinnacle Rod Mastery, Pinnacle Shield Mastery, Pinnacle Dagger Mastery, Pinnacle Dual Wield Mastery ), Superhuman Strength (Herculean Strength), Grandmaster Magic Mastery ( combination of basic, medium, advance, forbidden magic mastery, Apocalypse Magic), Metamorphosis Magic( Devil Transformation, Dragon Transformation), Armor Proficiency ( Boosted Gear Forms), Skill Copy, Skill Grant, Enchancment Magic Mastery, Foresight, Steel Skin, Death God Technique Mastery(Pinnacle Assassination Arts Mastery), Language Comprehension, Acrobatics Mastery, Health Regeneration ( Troll's Regeneration Level), Precise Transmutation, Mineral Appraisal, Increase Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Aura Mastery, Eagle Eyes, Shadow God Technique Mastery(Shadow Clone and Shadow Path Technique, Shadow Possession, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Devourer), Body Tempering Mastery ( Muscle Compression Technique), Air Walker, Aerodynamics, Monsterous Legs,.Superhuman Speed, Adamantine Stomach (Iron Stomach), Gale Shredder ( Higher version of Gale Claw), Thunder and Lightning Manipulation, Plasma Field ( Combined version of Thunder and Lightning Field), Monsterous Arms, Mythical Bear Vitality, Gale Manipulation, Petrification Resistance, Medusa's Eye, Extreme Cold Resistance, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Poison Resistance, Debuff Magic Mastery ( Poison, Paralyzed, Sleep, Curse, Frozen, Burning, Brittle Armor( Def. Debuff), Brittle Weapon ( Atk. Debuff)), Vajra Skin, Heat Sensor, Cold Sensor, Shock Resistance, Mind Immunity, Berserk, Trickery Mastery, Compression Magic Technique.


This is the third time that he reset his status card, as he planning unsealed his strength after he eat the Hydra's Monster meat as he need to perfect control his whole strength to avoid the disaster.


-- Lower level First floor ---

- Hajime POV -

Hajime wasted the whole week to claim the God Crystal because of Jin's prank.


Hajime was successfully landed in the lower level of the True Great Orcus Dungeon via diving in the abyss and water source to slow down his landing. After he take a break from diving, he pulled out his weapon as he slowly walk to explore the first floor of the dungeon when he saw the enormous rock with a hole that fit to an adult man, he knew that this is a man-made cave that Jin's work.

Hajime entered the cave as he saw a complicated formation made in rocks and saw a warning sign.

- Have you found the treasure? Please follow the sequence and the key was Transmute buuut you shouldn't use directly there was an ignition ore if it's hit with a small force. Forget about to open that even the treasure will destroyed good luck 😁

PS: Your Strongest Brother-

" Fu**!!" After Hajime read the warning, he curse loudly as he almost transmuted forcefully the complicated formation.

- Yoh I forgot to gave you the way to unlock that. You have to answer perfectly at least five hundred question, beware of the wrong answer even you have one wrong answer it will it will reset the Formation each sequence one question. Good Luck

PS: Your Mightiest Brother 😎-

" Fuc******!!!!!"

-- Flashback End --

" Well at least better than nothing." Hajime said while he was holding the half of the God Crystal as he was going to exit in the man-made cave.

" Hooowwwwlllllllrrrrr!!!!"

When he was about to leave he saw the two wolf each of them has a two tails as they generating a red lightning on it's body. The Twintailed Wolves was rushing towards his way as their speed was going to faster and faster.

" Ha what an annoying, well anyway I have a target of frustration." Hajime said as he pulled out the Gunsword from his back as he dashed towards them with a Burst speed.

- Twenty nine minutes later-

" So this is the shortest way to get stronger huh." He hold a leg part of the Twintailed Wolf on his right hand and the other was holding a flask of water which is distilled in God Crystal.

* Munch**gulp*

After he ate in one bite he drunk the water immediately, a few seconds later the pain was suddenly assaulting his entire body.

" Ruuaaaarrr!!!!!"

His body was in constant change his hair which is originally a black color was turning into White. His body which is lean with a bit muscle was turning into a mascular like a Swimmer and his height was increased a bit, There was a vein like markings was spreading on his body and his eyes which is Amber color was turning into red that usually saw in the monster, due to the sudden pain that he experience he suddenly lost his consciousness as he didn't witness his Transformation.

- Six hours later -

Hajime woke up as he started to check his status card.


Hajime Nagumo - Age: 17 - Male - Level: 15

Job: Synergist

Strength: 150

Vitality: 200

Agility: 170

Defense: 100

Magic: 90

Magic Resistance: 100


Transmute, Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Sword Mastery, Fire Arms Mastery, Language Comprehension, Mineral Appraisal, Lightning Field, Iron Stomach, Lightning Resistance, Increase output, Monster Instinct.


"It seems that brother was right but not enough I need more to have power to protect my love ones."

Hajime said as was about stand up and leave but he saw his reflection in floor because he spill the water as he was struggling to endure the pain.

" What the!"

White Hair, Red Eyes, a Mascular Body and Vein like markings on his body. This is the change when he saw himself in the reflection.

" Heh not bad I'm much cooler in this way." he said that while he was doing a cool poses which earned a great silence.

" Nevermind."

--- Lower level, Dungeon Master's Room ---

* Bang!*Bang!!*Bang!!!*

Jin was doing a many types of katas of martial arts from karate to a Bajiquan even the Mishima Karate style. Each of his attack was leaving a great explosion as many trees was fall down even though it didn't reach his attack to them but the pressure from it annihilate the giant Scorpion which is the Guardian in the room where Yue was sealed.

" Hoh this is the perfect control stage, time to get a bath." Jin said as directly walk to the bathroom inside the mansion.

- Five minutes later -

" Bath time is the best." He said as he lean back in the edge of the mini pool

* Doors open*

Yue entered the bathroom with nothing but single towel was walking towards Jin who already notice that she was entered but didn't stop her. Even though he was naked body when they first met, it was more enticing now as she covered her front with a towel.

After she entered the mini pool, she walked in the front of Jin as sat on his lap which is she intentionally his EA with her butt.

- To Be Continued -