Reisen Gorge and training the rabbits

----Tortus, Reisen Gorge---

-- One week later --

- Jin POV -

' Let's check their progress this time.' He thought as he took out a black ream glasses at first it was only ordinary reading glasses after he modified it for this purpose.

[ Bio-Scanner ]

- Name: Cam Haulia

- Age: 40 years old

- Gender: Male

- Level: 41

- Race: Rabbitmen

- Job: Tribe Chieftain ( Shinobi Kage )(A/N: I just make his Status that didn't shown in Fandom)

- Title: The Harmless Rabbitman, The Gentle Father, An Awakened Ninja, The Ruthless Ninja



- Strength: 1000

- Agility: 2000

- Magic: 0

- Magic Resistance: 500

- Defense: 500



- Gardening, Herding, Leadership, Charisma, Enchance Hearing, Hide Presence ( Low-tier Concealment)(A/N: these parenthesis shows their previous skills that evolve into their stronger level), Steel Legs( Strong Legs), Sword Mastery( Short Sword Only), Dagger Mastery, Nanaya Assassination Arts ( Basic Move Only such as Flashing Scabbard and Flashing Dash ), Poison Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Fear Resistance, Sleep Resistance, Sage Mode, Nature Chakra Control.


" Hmm.... as expected to the race that born for assassination, I'm surprised he unlock the Sage Mode it's seems I overpowered them too much." Jin said as he put down the glasses as he walked towards the forest where Yue and Shea has.

During the Hell Training Regime he unlock the chakra of everyone in the Haulia Tribe except for Shea as she has already manipulate the mana. It was surprisingly instead of normal Chakra it was a Nature Chakra maybe because their race. He also taught them the assassination arts such as Nanaya Assassination Arts it's only technique not a whole as he let them create their own technique.


" Hiyyyaaahhh!!!" a shout could be heard in the forest while Jin was found the two as he he saw many destroyed trees and craters everywhere.

" It's useless." Yue said as she evade the incoming punch coming from Shea, which is the latter was equipped with a pair of Mechanical Gauntlets with a same form from Vi in League of Legends.

Jin has taught Shea the basic Kickboxing, Akido and many more, as for Yue he taught her how to shoot the gun in case that she used most her mana, surprisingly that she like to use Winchester Riffle. This is their current Status via Bio-Scanner.


-Name :Jin Nagumo

- Age: 17

- Gender: Male

- Level: ????

- Race: Devil-Dragon-Monster

- Job: Sword Emperor

- Title: Reincarnator, The Prodigy, The Goddess's Fiance, The Red Dragon Emperor, The Devil Incarnate, The Sword Hand, The Battle Master, The Irregular, The Explorer, The Phantom Thief, The Harem King


- Strength: 5.500.000

- Vitality: 4.500.000

- Agility: 4.900.000

- Defense: 4.500.000

- Magic: 4.000.000

- Magic Resistance: 4.500.000


- Eidetic Memory, Imaginary to Reality, Battle God Mastery, Death God Mastery, Metamorphosis, Teacher (A/N: From Ultimately System), All Resistance, Language Comprehension, Devourer, Thunder and Lightning Manipulation, Mana Manipulation, Domain, Aerodynamics, Medusa Eye, Aurora Breath, Adamantine Skin, Origin Magic ( all types of magic from basic to forbidden), Intimidation, Creation Magic (Age of God's Magic), Muscle Compression Technique,....


- Name: Yue Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl

- Age: 323

- Gender: Female

- Level: 75 ( A/N: I just search in fandom)

- Race: Vampire

- Job: Divine Priestess

- Title: Vampire Princess, Queen of Avatarl, Loli Vampire, The Legal Loli, Magic Mistress, Jin's mate

- Stats-

- Strength: 500

- Vitality: 1000

- Agility: 700

- Defense: 400

- Magic: 5000

- Magic Resistance: 3000

- Skills -

- Enchance Physical Abilities, Genius Intelect, Immortality, Immerse Mana, Magic Master, Automatic Regeneration, Pain Dampener, Regeneration Control, Mana Manipulation, All Elemental Affinity, Spell Melding, Mana Emission, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Increase Efficiency, Ether Absorption, Body Strengthening, Image Composition, Increase Imagination, Multiple Spell Composition, Delayed Casting, Blood Conversion, Body Strengthening (B.C), Mana Conversion, Stamina Conversion, Mana Strengthening, Blood Oath.


- Name: Shea Haulia

- Age: 16

- Gender: Female

- Level: 40 (A/N: Same this level from fandom)

- Race: Rabbitmen

- Job: Diviner

- Title: The Irregular Beastman, Daughter of Haulia Chieftain, The Bugged Rabbit


- Strength: 200(8000)( A/N: in those parenthesis that is her strength if she use the body Strengthening)

- Vitality: 200(8000)

- Agility: 300(8800)

- Defense: 250(8500)

- Magic: 500(9000)

- Magic Resistance: 400(8900)


- Enchance Hearing, Stealth Expert, Gardening, Future Sight, Body Strengthening, Immerse Strength, Immerse Speed, Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Hammer Mastery, Immerse Stamina, Mana Manipulation


" Hyaaahh!!!" Shea yelled as she focus her strength to her knuckles, she could generate a bit of pressure.

" It's useless." Yue said as she use her Mana to form a wind element to her feet to step back to get out from Shea's attack range.

She may be not like Physical activities but if magic was included, she will eager to try to discover the new way of fighting. Because of that she managed to create the manage to create the new support magic with combination of Magic and Footwork which is called Wind Walk, it almost the same as Air Walk and Aerodynamics but it needs to concentrate the Mana to the feet of the user which is different than the skill that could get from the monster who can use their as same as breathing.

* Baannnggg!!!* a loud sound that could be heard in the forest which it came from Shea's Punch which is landed to the were Yue was previously stand, there was a deep crater with a span of one meter could be seen.

" Yes Yue-san I got hit you." Shea happily said as she look at Yue who has a shallow cut on her left cheek which is suddenly healed.

" There's no wound on my face you know." Yue said with a small smirk on her face while she reloading her Winchester Riffle.

" You cheating me, you heal it just now." Shea accusingly said as she pointed to the Yue's left cheek as she continued." It means I can join you guys right?"

" Hm..fine." Yue pouted as she put back her gun, she look at the nearby trees where Jin who was seating in the large branch with a reading glasses on his face.

" Hmm... oh finished now?" Jin said as he jumped down from the tree as he to them, which he took something from the as it materialize the water pouch and he gave it to them.

" Hmm" Yue said.

" Yes I'm not lonely anymore I can travel with like you two." Shea said with smile.

" Then great your tribemen before we leave." he said as he turn around and walk towards the place where Haulia Tribe.

" Jin-san it is okay for them to leave here?" Shea asked with worry.

" They are safe in this place which is territory of the Great Dungeon, it has special properties like it can suppress the magic around it can also become their Hunting Grounds." Jin said with a smile as he was satisfied on their growth.

" Hunting Grounds?" Shea asked with skeptical look.

" Just wait and see." he said as he look at Yue was also looking at him with expectation.

" Blood." Yue said to Jin who understood what she says as he picked up Yue, as the former was hugging his neck as she place her face in his nape.

* Chomp!* her fangs embedded to hi nape as she drank his blood. Jin was not worried about his blood as he could generate them if not he can use the Boosted Gear to boost his blood.

-- A few minutes later --

" Delicious as always." Yue said as look at his face while she licked her lips seductively, while Jin could not help himself as he kissed her cute lips.

" Mou I'm hear you know!" Shea said as she pouted as she continuesly look at them as she was imagining that she was the one who was he kissing with, after a realization she shook her head with a blush on her face.

-- To be Continued --