Side Story: Battle of Two Demonic Dragon Emperor

--- Unknown Dimension ---

--- Third Person POV ---

Jin was transferred in the void where almost no one has existed. After a few minutes of scanning the surroundings, he summoned his Boosted Gear.

{ What is it host, did you find a better location for Explosion?} Ddraig excitedly said to him as Jin was still quiet.

" Nothing, I was transported here without anyone," he said as he snapped his finger.

" Balance Breaker," he said.

{ Welsh Demonic Dragon Emperor: Scalemail }

He was covered ominous light in the whole body, after a few seconds the light vanished body covered with reddish-black scalemail armor with golden spikes on each shoulder, with a large Dragonic Wings on his back, the spinetail on his back was elongated and its the tip of the tail looked like a blade of the sword, his helm has pair of horns that curved backward. Jin manage to combine the two different modes of his Balance Breaker into one.

{ What happened partner?} Ddraig asked him.

" Isn't bad to prepare for unexpected," he said as Ddraig was also scanning the surroundings, after a few minutes later a sudden was shown in front of them.

* Woosshh!!*

The light vanished, the was a young man in Raven: Reckless Fist Outfit with a long black coat with a white fur above of it. This young man with a features of long black and white hair that reaches in his shoulder, a heterochromia eyes with a dark purple in the left and crimson red in the right, and his feminine look that can mistake him as a girl. This young man is none other than Touru Kamagiri in DXD World.

" Are you the one pulled me in this place?" Touru asked Jin who just shook his head.

" Nope I just arrived here too a moment ago," he said.

" My name is Jin Nagumo, the Red Dragon Emperor in this generation." he introduced himself to Touru.

" Touru Kamagiri, the White Dragon Emperor in this generation, and a Cat Deity," Touru said as Jin was surprised to see the counterpart of his Sacred Gear, Touru summoned his Sacred Gear, instead of one pair of white wings with blue energy-mattered feather it was two pairs of jet black wings with a crimson energy-mattered feather.

" Balance Breaker," he said as he snapped his finger.

[ Vanishing Diabolic Dragon Emperor: Scalemail ]

Touru was covered by ominous light in his whole body, after a few seconds, the light vanished. Touru was covered with jet-black scalemail armor with a same wings earlier, there is some crimson strand lining each of his armor, there was a crimson orb each of his joint and chest area, and his spinetail was elongated with a tip was like three prongs of the trident, and his helm has a pair of horns curved forward and instead of Dragonic features of the helm, it was demonic same like the head of Sin Devil Trigger of Sparda's family.

" Seems like both of us have Demon linage huh," Jin said as looks at Touru's scalemail with interest.

" Are you also perhaps a reincarnated like me."? he asked Touru who shook his head.

" We may be the same situation, but I'm transmigrator, I'm transmigrated in the body of a reincarnated person who died because he has no memories of his past life," Touru said.

" Would you like to spar with me?" he asked Jin as he took a stance of the Royal Guard.

" Yeah its been a while since I will fight without holding back." Jin Sam as he took the Mishima Style stance.

" Devil May Cry," Jin said as he recognized the stance.

" Tekken." Touru also said as recognized his stance.

"" Let's Begin!!"" Both of them said at the same time.

* Baaaaaannnnnnggggggg!!!!!* both of them has clashed together.

{ Boost } 20x!!!

[ Divide ] [ Absorb ] 15x!!!

---- After a few weeks later ----

The Void was destroyed by the two Dragon Emperor who are fighting nonstop in almost a month.

---- The End ----

A/N: This is a big spoiler in the future XD