Chapter 1

Humans, have themselves something unique traits that somehow makes them undistinguishable from each other, be it in a specific factor; cognitive ability, personality, physical appearance. But what's most making up the discrepancies is talent or gifts, it can be either potency or effort, there's still a huge difference.

"But why was I different?"

I have been complacent

I stood above others, thinking that this all enough to secure myself a good life, ahhhhhhh, I remember, how bright the straight path was, that that was all fine, what a good life so far I have been leading, but…..

All was but all came to naught the moment that I reached a diverging point in my life...

It was then I have discovered that what I have been living was all but shallow all along, that it was just like the starting point of life.

I was naïve, but who cares right now, I must indulge myself.

"What are you doing!? Oiii….Stop!"

It was a buddy of mine, I know that he was different, but right now I just realize how big the difference is between he and I, the environment was shattered from reality, and this is now the world that I know now.

Before I realize it, my actions gave me an ugly satisfaction, guilt, regret, I don't even understand myself at this point.

Ahhh, how colorful people really are, well not all people, but some are burning bright as if they are blinding my entire soul, I must go after them, I must chase them, I must satisfy the cravings that's been consuming me.

I know that this was fate destined to me as decided by God themselves, I must fulfill, light, gratify my newfound path.

"Thanks for the meal"

Look how happy they are, all cheering for me, I too never felt this much ecstasy from before…

Ahh, I cant endure myself

How joyful

Such happiness

Such pleasure

More, more, I want more vividness…

"how ugly this sight it seems"

A voice reverberated in the air, and before I know it, a fraction of me came to…

"Oh, don't mind me, just go on with your business, because of you my job has become easier after all"

Waving it's hand with not a speckle of emotion on their face, they told me to continue..

Huh? What was I doing? I took a long look at my somewhat moisturized hands


My eyes dilated, my brain became numb, as my reasoning came about, they were all covered blood-red, and as soon as I realized it, my tongue gave a dreadful taste, a taste like I was devouring iron….


What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

I stepped away from the mangled corpse that was beneath me, and wrapped my head with my bloodied hands, cursing myself with self-deprecating words.

"How many have I killed so far? Should I surrender and confess to the police? No! No! besides I was unaware from what I have been doing, but…. Fuck! There's no way I'm just going to ignore this and live on with a carefree life"

I felt guilt, my conscience trying to devour me whole, as dread was enveloping and looming within my own mind, but was once more interrupted by a voice…

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, just mutter all you want, but what's done is done, there's no going back, well it's partially my fault that you're like this now though, I have no choice… I'm just going to let you go, well it's not that I'm doing this for free, you've been helping me with my job and all, but… how about this?"

The person devoid of facial features or no.. a person wearing a plain white mask drew nearer treading upon the mangled corpse and puts a hand on it's mask.

"I shall pass down my authority upon you, and let you live, how about it? Pretty sweet deal right?"

"please kill me…"

I pleaded with a low volume, my eyes filling up with tears, I don't even care what's going on anymore, there's really no turning back now, I know, I know that I must have killed a lot of people at this point, and the only repentance that I can see is death.

"hmmm, I can sense that you are troubled, yes, but rest assured, what you have been doing has been God's will, there's no need of divine retribution, in fact your on the side of conventional ethics itself, yes"

"what are yo…."

"Seems I have captured your attention, it seems, I can detect that deep within those dead eyes of yours earlier that you are dead, yes, but now I have certainly captured your attention which is good accordingly with you and myself"

With their hand still in it's mask they loft their head up, and with a cheerful tone they continued…

"The people you have killed so far, were on the wrong, they were humans that should be disposed of, they are rubbish of piece of humanity, thatssssss why, I have commend you of your efforts so far"

"W..what are you trying to say?"

"hmmm? Ohh, Pardon me, I always tend to behave in such extreme passion, well its better if I just show it to you directly"


they narrowed it's look towards me once more, and with the hand on their mask they took it off, and directed it towards me whilst their face still obscured.

As the mask made contact with mine, I…I….

I felt my consciousness being forcefully dragged on a deep abyss,



A groan suddenly reverberated out of nowhere followed by a thud,

How many days, weeks, months, years has it been? I don't know, as if just awoken within my deep slumber I heard a grunt…

By the time my sight came to, I was ravaging something unrecognizable, my hands were all damp and sticky…

Followed by a disgusted nausea, I now have realized what had come hold beyond my vision…

"uu, aaaaa.."

Following this dreadful spectacle, I somehow regained few of my consciousness, but still cant stop my unpleasant ravaging, as my neck move on its own following the source of the sound.

It was a youth..

A youth with a pale bit of pigment within his soul, who was all terrified towards me.

How long has it been?

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"

I cant help myself but despair, as I was sobbing…

The reason…..

It was a feeling that felt like my humanity has been forcibly stripped off, without my permission…

I was like being toyed, dancing on someone's palms…

I was feeling an indescribable despair, suffering, sadness…

i…..i want to die.....

Before I realize it my body was already treading towards him.

My body was in pain all over, as I gradually regained my sensual sensation…..

It was in pain not just physically, but along with my mentality…..


"I want to die"

"I want to die"

"I want to die"

"I want to die"

"I want to die"

"I want to die"

Despair overwhelmed me along with other negative emotions… as I come to a pause on the youth before me….

I looked at the trembling youth once more.

"Help me....."

That's the only words that I can reach out towards him….

But I…. I think I'm already beyond help…

I should just die..