#33 A date

"White hair combined with a white suit looks a bit weird but overall not bad" I mumbled when I was fixing my clothes before the mirror.

It's already time to meet up with Chabashira-sensei. I am really hungry, I will make her bleed a bit today.

On the way to the restaurant, I received a lot of stares, mostly they were from the girls or from the boys who were probably wondering why I was wearing the suit in hot summer.

Immediately after I arrived, I spotted Chabashira sitting at the table for 2 people. She didn't change her clothes and still had her regular suit she usually wears inside the school. Of course, even though she was wearing a school suit, her cleavage was still massive.

And you told me that having lunch with a student is inappropriate? What about your cleavage? I wonder who is she trying to tempt.

"Hm? Why the suit? I thought this will be just a regular lunch between teacher and student" She immediately said after noticing my clothes.

"Personal reason but why can't I wear a suit when you wear one yourself. Moreover, this is quite a luxurious restaurant, I ought to dress myself up" I explained with a smile and sat down across from her.

"Sir, would you like to place an order?" The neatly dressed waitress came to me and asked.

I looked towards Chabashira-sensei and showed her a teasing smile and her expression instantly changed to uneasy.

"Yes, please get me your 3 best dishes and also if you have any specialty for today then I will take that too" I said with a big happy smile across my face, it almost made me look like a naive and innocent teenager.

"...Ah, yes! And for your...lady?" She stared at me in a daze for a while before she turned at Chabashira-sensei and then back at me with an embarrassed expression.

"I am no-"

"My lady will have something light and as for a drinks...water will do. Thank you" I said with a wide grin and I immediately noticed Chabashira's unsatisfied expression but she didn't say anything.

When the waitress left with a blushing face.

"Why did you say that? Haven't I told you that just having lunch together will make a lot of misunderstandings, yet you even dared to say that" Chabashira-sensei frowned but she didn't sound angry at all

"Haven't you noticed her expression? I thought that the continuation of her misunderstanding would be funny. You shouldn't worry too much, no one was near enough to hear us and she perhaps doesn't even know you. You must admit that when she noticed our slight age difference, her expression turned to a really funny one" I said with a playful smile.

"Heh, I don't think it was our age difference that made her embarrassed" She said with a light smile while sipping her wine she ordered while waiting for me.

Hm? Was it me? No, I am not that narcissistic. Although my looks aren't bad, I wouldn't say that I can send a random woman to a daze just by my appearance alone. I frowned while thinking about it.

"It's probably your suit. Maybe it looks a bit weird combined with your hair at the first look but if you look more closely, you will notice that it is quite a unique combination that makes you stand out and looks quite dashing. You also have red eyes that make that combination even better and of course, that naive fake smile helped you a lot to send that woman to a daze" She said while playing with her glass of wine.

Did she just compliment my appearance or was it just a simple explanation? If it was meant as the compliment, should I return it?

Forget it...I am not sure so I will just return it when the next chance to tease her appears.

"Eh? What do you mean by a fake smile?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Don't try it on me...I think we already know each other well enough to know a few things about each other. Don't you think so?" She completely saw through me.

"I don't think it sounds like an appropriate thing to say, teach..." I tried to tease her.

"..." She opened her mouth, ready to say something but she stopped herself when she noticed the waitress coming to us with our food.


"Teach, there is still something I want to ask you" I said as I grabbed the fork.

"I bought you a meal yet you want to ask an additional question?" She said with a dissatisfied tone.

"It can't be helped...When will the next test begin? Tomorrow? Maybe even today in the evening?" I casually asked and started tasting the restaurant's specialties.

Her expression turned to a surprised one for a while before she regained her calmness.

That was all I needed...There is still another test waiting, although it didn't tell me when, I reckon that it will be within a few days.

We ate in complete silence after that, however, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was calm and very comfortable silence and it was pretty visible that both of us enjoyed it.

"I am honestly impressed that you were able to focus on your meal without being in a daze while looking towards the pool" She said with a light laugh.

I looked from the window towards the pool's direction and noticed a lot of girls in bikinis. They were probably relaxing, considering that the survival test had just ended today and girls were extremely tired from living in such bad conditions.

Hmm? Isn't this a good chance to tease her and return the compliment? Perhaps she tries to tease me back for what I have done to her so far but she doesn't even know that she is helping me. Hehe. I evilly laughed inside my mind.

"That's only natural when there is even more charming and elegant woman right in front of me" I disinterestedly looked towards the pool and then turned back at her with a wide grin.

"..." Her mouth opened slightly but a cat caught her tongue and no word came out. Instead, she blushed but not only a little like previous times, this time her face became almost completely red including her ears. Maybe it was also because of a shame since her attempt to tease me ended up as failure once again.

Heh, you won't win against me but you are free to try. I will welcome your challenge anytime.


When it came to paying for the meal I stopped her and paid for everything myself, including her meal.

"Why?" She was suspicious of me

"Originally I just came for free lunch but I quite enjoyed talking with you teach and I am in a good mood right now, consider it my goodwill" I waved at her while walking away.

-----(Chabashira's POV)-----

Was this really alright? I thought while watching his back slowly disappear.

This definitely felt like a date but he seemed to be ok with it. Is he perhaps into an older woman?

I don't know what to think about him...he wasn't aggressive when he was teasing me. He was always looking straight into my eyes even though I had bigger cleavage than usually just to tease him. But I couldn't even win like that. It almost feels like he isn't just some horny teenager.

It feels even more humiliating and shameful that I even tried such a tactic and couldn't even win. What was I thinking? I always lose my professional attitude while I am being around him...

-----(Chabashira's POV END)-----

When I was walking back to my room I received a message.

[What the hell was that?!!] It was a message from the unknown number...

[What do you mean and who are you?] I thought about not replying but I decided against it.

[It's me Karuizawa, I got your phone number from Hirata-kun. I saw you not long ago in the restaurant]

[I see... and why do you seem to be angry?] I wasn't really surprised since all the boys in our class already knew my phone number.

[I AM ANGRY! Why did you have lunch with our homeroom teacher?!]

[So you were spying on me?] I replied

[That's not the POINT! From my and others perspective, it sure looked like you were on a date with her]

[Was there anyone else with you at that time?]

[Fortunately no but what were you thinking?]

[Then it's fine. It wasn't even a date. We just had lunch together, that's all]

[Yeah, in other words- a DATE!]

Why is she making such a fuss about it?

I shook my head and put my phone back into my pocket but after a while, it started nonstop vibrating.

Probably the messages like... [Hey, don't ignore me!]