#75 Future Enemies?

"Hello, you two" I approached Ayanokoji and Sakura and greeted them with a smile.

"Huh? Hi" Ayanokoji returned the greeting with an almost dead voice but he was still slightly surprised by me taking the initiative to approach them.

"Ah?! *sigh* it's only Walker-kun...Umm, hello to you too" Sakura slightly panicked when she heard my voice right beside her. For some reason, she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings even though she is usually very aware of it. Thankfully, I participated in helping her with her camera in the past, therefore she was able to quickly recover from her shock. But it's still interesting to see someone acting so embarrassed just by talking to someone she already knows and is comfortable around.

I really can't imagine her living in the outside world. If she won't gain any confidence then she will definitely be bullied by her co-workers and maybe her future boss will even take advantage of her.

I thought when I saw her huge rack. Even though she was wearing the school swimsuit, her breasts were practically calling for help, trying to escape from the tight space.

What the hell is up with all these girls? Most of the girls I know have above average or even enormous breast size and I am talking about teenagers. This was totally impossible in my past life, the chance to meet the teenage girl with such a big chest was practically close to none.

Heh, I wonder how I would have behaved if I was born here, having normal parents and leading a normal life. I would perhaps behave closely to how Ike behaves.

I tried to imagine myself in such a situation...well, definitely no regrets missing such a chance.

"Umm, Walker-kun?"

Shit! I was so absorbed in my thought that I forget about the outside world and what makes the matter even worse is that I was staring at Sakura's breasts while I was thinking about everything.

I shook my head.

"I am sorry, I was absorbed in my thoughts."

"Ah, it's alright, no need to apologize" She said with a small and shy smile.

She didn't look that much embarrassed or upset by my actions as I thought she would be, maybe she noticed it but didn't see me making any lewd faces so she didn't think too much about it. Now that I think about it, she might be an extreme introvert but she has good instincts. For example, she is usually keeping her distance from everyone but she keeps an even bigger distance from Kushida who is seen only with a friendly smile and who always helps others. This only confirms my own feeling that Kushida is pretending to be someone she isn't.

These types of people are the most disgusting, wearing a mask pretending to be someone else. Hiding your abilities, hiding your disgust towards someone is fine but hiding it all behind the facade that practically tells others to approach you is disgusting. I can slightly relate myself to these types of people however the main difference is that I don't pretend to be super friendly or completely change my personality.

...Enough of spacing out or they will think I am ill.

"Ayanokoji-kun, do you have some spare time to talk?" I politely asked him and his brows slightly raised in surprise after hearing my request.

"Um..." He has gotten my meaning so instead of answering me, firstly he looked at Sakura.

"Ah! Well...um, I have to go to the bathroom, if you will excuse me." Sakura panicked a bit after she noticed that Ayanokoji's gaze was on her. Maybe even too much...perhaps, does she like him?

After we watched her back slowly disappear, we faced each other.

"I won't beat around the bush and simply say what's on my mind. Do you know where will those 3 idiots meet up for their peeping plan after this pool event ends?" I made sure that no one was around us when we were talking and just in case I just mentioned the word peeping so even if someone overheard our conversation, we would be able to make up an excuse.

"? Why would you even think that I know?" He asked me with a confused expression.

"First, right now you just asked why but if you didn't know anything you would have asked what I am talking about instead of why I am thinking that you know. Second, you were hanging out with them as of late so it wouldn't be weird if they dragged you into this. And of course, Horikita-san being here also helped me." I sat down on the edge of the pool and soaked one leg in the water while resting my arm on the knee of the other leg.

"..." His expression didn't change a bit after hearing my reasoning as if he was expecting it, however, he kept silent and sat down next to me and waited for me to continue.

"Why are doing this? I doubt you would just let yourself be dragged by them into this mess without any reason. Judging by your expression or how you look at the girls from our class, I doubt that you are lusting to see them naked. Are you perhaps setting this up to expel one of them?" I asked him curiously because although Sudo was troublesome fellow, his physical ability was indeed high and he could be useful but the other two fell behind him. I was really interested in his reasons.

After listening to my guesses, a small smile actually formed on his usual poker face.

"I am also quite curious who Walker-kun really is. How about we exchange the information?" He said, still with a small smile.

"People negotiate when they occupy the same or similar position to avoid any conflicts that could damage both sides, however, I don't think you are in the same position as me. I can spread the rumor about their plan and you being part of it, even if you are a relatively quiet individual, everyone knows that you are hanging around them and also your usual quietness can become creepier when everyone hears such rumor. Plus...let's be honest, when it comes to such things as peeping, the girls will believe anything even if it's not really the truth. ('And I also have Kei-chan on my side, perhaps even Matsushita might take my side')" I coldly said and returned him his smile, however, he didn't look like he minded it.

"You are quite ruthless...but even if everyone would believe in your words and their plan would fail, it would only completely destroy Class D as we know it." He was practically saying that I wouldn't do that but he missed one important information.

"I think you misunderstood me...I don't particularly care about this class, I don't even care if I get expelled, you could even say that I am just playing around, therefore I can do whatever I want, however you, you don't want to be expelled right?" I said with an amused smile.

I didn't want to take it out because it would be the same as telling him additional information about me but whatever...I decided to ask him something that was on my mind for some time already.

"You Ayanokoji-kun, ever since your childhood, you were part of some kind of project, weren't you?" I asked him with a smile and when he heard my words, even his usual stoic uninterested expression changed to a slightly shocked one.

"...Judging from the confidence in your voice, you are certain about this. How?" He asked me with completely cold and sharp eyes.

This is the first time I see him being so hostile, heh interesting.

Although I have confirmed my suspicion I have felt ever since experiencing Asao's memories, this will also cause him to be much more vigilant of me and of course not just anyone knows about such things.

-----(Flashback Asao's memories)-----

"That man, he has already started his project and it seems that he even upgraded it and our informants weren't aware of it until now but this information is already completely useless since he already started it!" Shiro started shouting at everyone around him, he was so irritated by this information that he even started throwing things around, thankfully no one got hurt and he calmed down after a while.

"Fu*k it, we will start too even if it's not completed yet!" He said aloud but no one answered him or even worse questioned his decision.


"Shiro, isn't this too much? He is just a little kid, aren't you being too ruthless?" The only one who had guts to question him was Kazuki who was also the most important person for the development of this project, that was the reason why he had better standing than anyone else and why he could talk to Shiro almost on an equal level.

"Me being ruthless? I admit that some parts of the project are more drastic than parts of that man's project but you know what? That man, he forced even his own child to undergo his project. Tell me...Who is more ruthless now, Kazuki? Hahaha!"

"B-but even then..." Kazuki was stuttering, he had no idea what to say to Shiro's statement.

"Look...his project is completed, ours isn't even half-way done! If he is so ruthless to even endanger the life of his own son then we must be even a hundred times more ruthless! That is my final decision!" Shiro shut Kazuki's mouth with his commanding tone and cold ruthless eyes.


"His project might be safer but it's not perfect. He might be able to create a genius that will take over the country but my ambitions are much bigger than his. I am aiming for the whole world domination! HAHAHA! And you are the perfect emotionless vessel I have just needed, Asao!" Kazuki started maniacally speak about his plans right before Asao who just had a blank expression and dead fish eyes.

-----(Flashback Asao's memories END)-----

If he really is that man's child then we might even become mortal enemies. I don't know if he is totally loyal to him but I guess he is, considering it's his own father. That man played it really well, planting into his project someone related to him by the blood, doing this gave him a higher chance of that person being loyal to him.

"Why are you even asking? Do you find my voice that pleasant to listen to? You already have some theories on why I know this, don't you?" My smile disappeared and my expression became serious, considering that the person right in front of me might become my mortal enemy.

"...Sorry, the force of habit" He answered while watching me vigilantly.

Maybe he played a fool for a far too long...

"..." Both of us were watching each other's moves without saying anything.

"*sigh* Let's not do this here. I just want to stop those idiots and I have my reasons." I sighed after seeing that the conversation wasn't moving anywhere so I proposed the truce for now.

"I will tell you anything you want as long as you tell me why you are attending this school" His expression returned back to his stoic uninterested one after he heard my genuinely tired voice.

Why would he ask me specifically this question? Does he think that I am here to monitor him?

I thought inwardly, however, at that time I still wasn't aware that there was only one BIG misunderstanding between us. Ayanokoji just wanted to escape his fate while I thought that he would become my enemy because he would think that I still have a connection with Shiro. And I just wanted to get my revenge while exploring the secrets of my body while Ayanokoji thought that I was here to monitor him and bring him back.

"Well...you won't believe me." I said with a helpless smile and scratched back of my head.

"As I said before...I am simply playing around, I am trying to experience the life of the teenager, heh" I said with a silly smile because even I realized how stupid my reason was and as expected, Ayanokoji was looking at me with a dumbfounded expression when he heard my reason.

"To be honest, I believe in this reason more than I would believe in something more serious...and I also get the feeling that you are only playing around, not taking anything seriously." He stopped looking at me vigilantly and returned his gaze at the pool and I could even detect slight sympathy in his voice.

"Well, it's not like you would completely believe in anything I would say, right? Anyway, will you tell me what they have in plans?" I asked him with a smile, even though he might become my enemy in the future, he is probably someone I could get along under the normal circumstances.

"Sure, although I compromised with them that this will be a one-time thing and they would never do that again, but since you have your reasons to stop them I guess there is not much choice. They will be meeting..... As for their way of peeping they brought....." He told me everything without complaining and after listening to his words, I estimated that what he said was probably the truth.

"Alright, I will take my leave now, thanks." I thanked him and left when I have spotted Sakura who was secretly watching us. When our eyes met, I smiled at her and nodded at her and she started acting all silly after being discovered by me.

Heh, some people don't know what shame is and some of them are too aware of it as Sakura for example.