Restraint and the Future

Defi went to help as Aire carried the borrowed tableware to the boat she and Lergen used.

"Thank you for doing this," he said quietly when they were nearing the dock.

"My dear Defi, it's not a problem. It's been a while since I planned something like this, so it's been fun." She was smiling brightly, obviously tired but happy.

"Apart from the obvious, is there anyone I should visit personally?" That is, apart from her and Lergen, Falie and Hames, the tavern-keepers, the bakers, and Karles, were there others who were part of the planning that he needed to thank in person?

She shook her head. "I can handle the rest. Some of them didn't come to the feast. You might need to visit the Singers. The mayor as well."

He nodded. In all, that was ten bottles of the Lemorne.

He had two to keep in reserve.

"Are the pots of spices alright? I can buy more wine."