The Guild Officer's Romance

Being the fisher's guild, Defi expected the place to be bustling at dawn.

Contrary to his thoughts, the building was fairly serene in the morning. The large south-facing doors were open, the morning sun filtering into the entrance hall through the half-open shutters of the narrow eastern windows.

"Oh!" A familiar voice sounded. "It's you? You're really here!"

Defi smiled his greeting at the clerk from the last time. "Did you think I'd run away?"

"Well, you did look confident." The clerk perked up. "Could it be you actually know a great apothecary?"

"Nothing like that. Is the mestre inside then?"

"He is." The clerk waved him in, with a pale face. "I think his mood is fouler than before. Someone came in with him, too."

"Who is it?"

"I didn't recognize him. The others didn't either."

Defi glanced at the older boy, who was walking beside him despite his worlds. "You're still coming?"