Beetle Table Woe

In the end, the siblings didn't take the furniture off Defi's hands.

The next day, as Sarel and Barham's family helped set the house to be more habitable, cleaning out the cobwebs and such, Defi had to sneak some of the smaller pieces, like the end tables with the wide-eyed creepily staring fawns and the set of dining room chairs with the haughtily smiling large-mouthed fishes into the southern house. 

When placing them in strategically unnoticeable places didn't get them…well…noticed, he decided to go for a larger piece: the textured long table that was covered in bumps and knobs, which at closer glance was a mass of small beetles seemingly crawling out of the table to cover most of its surface.

It used to grace the receiving hall of the Garge house.

He shook his head. Possibly it was a way of deterring visitors?

The legs of the table were removable and the table-top was hinged and foldable, making it fit into the wheelbarrow.