Pewter City (2)

"What Pokemon would Dad send me?" Lan asked himself.

Lan pressed the button and released the Pokeball...

"Mudkip!!!" "Mudkip" "Mud"

Lan's Brain short-circuited for a sec then he began laughing out loud causing people to glance his way.

They saw a handsome young man laughing with a small blue pokemon running around his feet singing at him. People were asking what that Pokemon was and interested in where it came from.

Lan couldn't care less about what people saw or thought. Right now he was extremely happy. Horsea was a great Pokemon but it didn't suit his needs at the moment and he felt that it was unfair to its development.

Now his Dad had solved his problem for him. He took out his Pokedex and scanned Mudkip.






Height: ????

Weight: ????

Description: Unknown


A robotic voice spoke " Unknown Pokemon Found"


It seemed like it tried to argue its name with the Pokedex

"Huh, I guess I don't have Hoenn's regional Pokedex data. Oh well. I guess that we will go to sleep soon. Mudkip I will introduce you to everyone tonight when we eat."

"Mudkip" nodding it head

Lan was surprised this pokemon seemed to understand him well. It was smart and he could sense the pure joy that it had. He then returned it to its Pokeball and headed upstairs under the gazes of some trainers.


Lan eventually made it into his room. He then released all of his Pokemon out of their Pokeballs. Mudkip, Growlithe and Vulpix were all standing around Lan.

"This is our new team right now Horsea went back to the Lab to train and Mudkip here will be joining us."

"I have some Pokefood that I have made but it is a little spicy so just try it."




He then poured three bowls full of his made food. He figured he was almost out so he would have to buy ingredients tomorrow. Good thing he had a little be of Money now from turning in the Pokemon.

While the three Pokemon ate he made a mental list of what he wanted to do.

1) Go to the store and buy ingredients for Pokefood

2) Go to the museum to learn about fossils and relics

3) Go to the mine and find Pokemon and train

4) Challenge the Gym

Now that he had made a plan he needed to go to sleep. He looked at the three pokemon enjoying their food and sighed. "I will just clean it up in the morning" He then got into bed and went to sleep.


Lan got up early the next morning. He saw all of his Pokemon sprawled around the bed. He got dressed quick and returned all of them to their Pokeball. When Lan strolled out of the Pokecenter it was early that the Sun was not even up yet.

He then walked around the town until he found a group of people who where setting up stalls for the market. He bought many different ingredients for his Pokefood. "I should have enough ingredients to last for about a weeks worth of food. Now I should find some cheap ingredients for me."

After a while, Lan was strolling through the market when he came to an old man who had set up a stall. It had many gadgets and tools that miners use. A couple of them sparked Lan's interest so he approached the stall.

Lan "Hey owner what are these tools here?"

The owner lazily replied "That small box there is an old excavation kit that has a small hammer and chisel is used to clean up relics and the other thing is useless it will break if it is used to mine. I am only selling it for scrap. "

"Okay, I will by the kit would 400Poke work," asked Lan.

"Yeah that will work It's not worth much anyway." said the owner.

Lan then put the kit into one of the pouches on his backpack. He then made his way to one of the public training areas. He let out all three of his Pokemon out and did a light jogging work out.

Lan was running with his Pokemon and was in the lead. To him, he felt that he had fully adjusted to his new strength. His Pokemon had been putting in the effort into their training.

He took a good look at Mudkip who was persisting in training even though it was his first time. He smiled and said, " It looks like the little one has some major determination".

After the round of exercises, Lan brought out some food. The Pokemon were too tired from the accumulation of fatigue form the workout to care about the flavor of the food. They all gobbled it up and when they had finished Lan returned them to their Pokeballs to rest.

He then gathered his things and headed to the Pewter Museum.


Inside the Museum Lan was observing and reading about ancient Pokemon and their fossils. The Museum had just found a fossil not too long ago within the mines. There was going to be a big lecture today but Lan did not have time to attend this lecture so he was trying to learn as much as he could right now.

Lan continued to mutter to him "So they found a Dome fossil in the mine. This is a fossil that comes from the ancient Pokemon Kabuto. " He looked through the large old book and briefly studied each page. He memorized everything with his heightened memory.

While he was studying he glanced around and saw a lot of people in coats and people with cameras congregating around one man who was talking to the crowd. Lan then went back to studying the material around the museum.

He eventually came to an old tablet that was broken in the middle. There was an unknown language on the tablet that seemed to come from ancient times. Lan didn't know why but when he approached his chest heated up where his mark was.

Suddenly his vision blurred and he could see an old man sitting down with his eyes closed breathing a steady pace. Lan felt an indescribable pressure from the man. Suddenly the man opened his eyes and the vision was cut off.

He came back to reality and looked around and no one noticed his change. He could not feel any more connection to the ancient tablet.

"Crap that was wierd. How does it connect to this mark? Why am I attracted to it?" He had many questions but nothing to help him out. He began to analyze the vision and the more he broke it down the more Lan believed it was some sort of technique. Lan didn't fully understand what he had to do but he knew that this had to wait because he currently was on a tight schedule.

Lan then made one last round of the Museum and headed out. He now planned to go to the mines to train.
