Frightening Otherworlders

We all stared at Likus terrified out of our minds. What the heck happened, what was that, why is Likus arm missing. Likus came down on Kinus with a force i had never seen before, i doubt anybody could've directly blocked that strike let alone injure Likus back. Even if Kinis counter attacked he should have only repelled his attack or maybe end off in a stale mate. Surely Kinis is injured as well? I turn around and look towards Kinis direction. I see him standing there, eyes fierce, clothes and hair a little worse for wear but other than that completely fine. That can't be, my eyesight must've gone bad, or maybe he has internal injuries. Theres just no way his strength could measure up to that of Likus! Theres just no way! It must be a trick another one of his illusions.

"Hahahaha great, good, this is fun, it would be boring if you died with just that. I gotta admit that mutt body of yours is indeed a little strong, but not anything i haven't seen. Like i said before get ready for a slow and excruciating death. But fear not, it is your honor to die by my hands"

Everyone looked absolutely horrified, what kind of a monster was he. If Likus falls theres no way any of us can stand up to him. Right at that moment a grunting sound came out of Likus, and something that looked like steam was coming out of Likus's severed arm. I couldn't take my eyes off it, i knew something crazy was about to happen. And i wasn't disappointed, as soon as that thought flashed through my mind, out of Likus wounded arm stub, a small tiny appendage popped out. Next thing we knew, the small apendage blew up in size like someone was blowing air into it, silver red blood splurtting all over. Muscles then came,and finally, skin and fur. From beginning to end the whole process only took about thirty seconds, the end result a fully grown fully functional arm just as good as the one before. Nobody new what to say everyone was speechless, this was Potestera land of the powerful, many of us had seen spectacular scenes before, but instant regeneration in that fashion must definitely be in the top 10 for most of us, it was for me. Man oh man, Kinis was right, i really am a maggot under the dirt. What else does this world hold for me. What other amazing abilities do other people have. How can i even compare, Likus was supposed to be washed out and retired, does that mean most other Rankers are more likely on Kinis's level. Is everyone else a crazy, unfathomable, terrifying powerhouse just like him. No that can't be, not all Rankers are Otherworlders, those should only be as numerous as the fingers in your hand. Still this is only a B rank battle, even if all B rank Rankers are at Likus's level what are my chances to even reach that realm. I mean how the f**k can i compete with instant regeneration. All of a sudden Kinis spoke with an ecstatic voice.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! This day is full of surprises. Yes keep on struggling, fight for your life, lets keep on accumulating the stench of war and destruction. I need a good stretch before i rip Recondos to shreds hahahaha!"

Likus just stared at him without any response only a small indignant snort. But as soon as he recovered he wasted no time and stretched out his newly formed arm and did a hand gesture towards Kinis's direction. Again what happened next almost blew our eyes out of our sockets. Something i had failed to notice before, was Likus severed motionless arm lying near Kinis. But as soon as Likus stretched out his arm, the impossible happened, the arm started moving and not only that it flew straight at Kinis, claws stretched out. Even Kinis was momentarily caught off guard and was nicked in the face before he managed to dodge. This fight was definitely not over yet. All of a sudden hope once again returned to the caravan, Kinis was not as untouchable as he said he was! He bleeds!


Kinis terrifying shout shook us from our moment of joy. What he did next only further raised the bar in comparison with everything that had happened so far.

"Die you filthy street dog!!!"

A horrible energy surrounded the vicinity around Kinis, it was oppressive and suffocating, still by this point i was getting sort of used to it. Or was I? The level of energy Kinis exuded only kept on rising soon everyone found it hard to to stay standing. All of a sudden Kinis floated off the ground after another terrifying explosion of energy. It seemed like the world was covered in a red fog, or one could even say blood mist, and that the god of death Kinis was ready to dish out his divine punishment from high above the sky's. This was just ridiculous, the guy can fly too, this can't be a B rank battle. The Seeier definitely made a mistake.

As soon Kinis rose to the sky Likus put his guard up, only he knew how terrifying Kinis truly was, in one blow he had almost lost his life. He had a terrible feeling that had Kinis gone for his head he wouldn't be here standing anymore. He couldn't hold back, not against this opponent.

I observed as both Likus and Kinis faced off against each other, who would've thought i would be a witness to such an incredible battle as the one that was occurring right in front of me. Perhaps today was destiny, yes i was scared, but i was also exhilarated beyond belief, i had never felt so alive, maybe it seemed impossible now but one day ill reach those heights, no! ill surpass it. The energy surrounding Kinis settled down but he still remained in the air. He raised his hand and pointed in our direction! Sweat started gushing out from my forehead. What the He** was this, why did it seem he was looking at all of us, not just at Likus. Then we heard what he said next.

"Fated Artillery of 1000 Wars!!! Die you Worms!"

Weird flashes of light appeared all around our surroundings, and more were coming from up above us.


Likus warning was too late, i heard several several deafening explosions around me, all i witnessed were sudden screams of agony before they were cut off abruptly, and next thing i new dirt, rocks, and what seemed to be body parts flew into my field of vision. That was just the beginning. The lights and explosions were never ending. They leveled the part of town in which most of this altercation occurred. Not only did many caravan guards die so did many of the adventurers, villains, and who knows what other type of people that were curiously spectating, or where waiting for a moment to take advantage of the situation. It was like a war zone, i fell to the floor and covered my head and prayed to all that was good that i could make it out of this alive. Again i heard Kinis's cackle and this time the pain it induced was even worse. And here i thought i was used to his powers. How idiotic could i get, this was an Otherworlder, one of the Universes most chaotic existences, and he wanted to kill us. I definitely need to quit this job if i manage to make it out alive.