
After a super tense standoff with the other Avengers, they set the argument aside in order to deal with Ultron fully and find Nat. Nat was first priority.


The fly over was tense, as Peter expected. He buckled down and gave them one solid reason why they shouldn't be accusing him of wanting the Mind Stone's power. "I stuck it in a safe that can mute the power that radiates off of it, and I generated a random password, like 90ish random letters and numbers, and set that. I legitimately don't remember it, either." Not a lie, he did do that. But he did write the password down somewhere, just in case.

While the rest of the Avengers had mostly untrusting faces, Tony sighed. "I understand the thing about doing what you think is right. My own bumble with that got us in the Ultron mess in the first place. If we find out we need the stone, fine. But if we don't, we leave it there. There's no need to use something that powerful unless absolutely necessary." With a short nod between Peter and Tony, they finally arrived in Sokovia. Peter had extensive comic knowledge, and very limited movie knowledge, but he did have the movie knowledge about what would happen to the country of Sokovia, specifically the bit where it fell to pieces. While his main objective currently was to get Nat back and kick the shit out of Ultron, he also was thinking on how he could avoid the Sokovia Accords, if he could.

He made his way quickly to where Nat was being held. With an almost wrathful stalk, he literally ripped the cell door out of the wall. With a quick vow to tear his suit off of him when this was all said and done, he swiftly extracted her from the area and back into the main battlefield. He noticed upon landing that the Maximoff twins had changed their stance by a large margin. With basic body language analysis and a brisk jog through his memory, he recalled some vague movie memory of the twins betraying Ultron after discovering his true intentions. Peter could tell they had somewhat forgiven the transparent and obvious Tony, but they didn't know Spider-Man was Peter Parker. That was gleaned from some of Wanda and Pietro's off-hand comments. He shook it off and approached. "So, where's the scrap-heap?"

Tony shrugged. "He's in the church. Praying to his metal god I would guess." Thor bristled a bit at that.

"We do not speak of the god of metal." He sounded almost afraid. (AN// Just a joke, not foreshadowing) The Avengers collectively shrugged at his reaction, as Peter immediately left towards the church with Thor. They had a plan.

Peter got there first. It was only the second time he'd seen Ultron. "Oh hey Tin Can, get a new paint job? Or are you just happy to see me?" He somersaulted down in front of Ultron.

Ultron scoffed. "It's called a chrome-job. Nobody is ever happy to see a spider." He swung a careless punch at Peter, as if expecting no resistance. Real surprise showed on his metal face as Peter put up his forearm, stopping it in its tracks. "Ah ah, don't touch the merchanDISE!" He ended the sentence with a punctuated kick to the face. Ultron launched backwards into a pillar of the church, which was now cracking. Directly behind the pillar hid Thor, who quickly beaned Ultron in the side of the head with Mjolnir. Caught off-guard, Ultron staggered to the side and blasted Thor away, focused on Peter.

Ultron let loose what amounted to a growl. Peter snickered. "What, arachnaphobic?" Launching webs to the pillars Ultron was standing between, Peter catapulted himself feet-first at Ultron. Ultron promptly side-stepped and let go a repulser blast at Peter. Peter, thinking quickly, let go of one web and swung around one of the pillars, landing a swing-kick to Ultron's back. Ultron flew forward and buckled. As Peter landed, he strung a strand of webbing somewhat tangled around his legs and summoned Mjolnir. Since he was now using partially organic webbing, said webbing was recognized as worthy. Peter attached his web to the pommel of the hammer and used leg momentum to send Mjolnir, at blinding speed, racing into a large crowd of Ultron drones and Ultron himself. Ultron promptly flew across the city, bouncing and skipping across rooftops and the ground.

Tossing Thor his hammer, Peter promptly set to work on disabling the inactive giant vibranium jet thing in the middle of the city. "Thor! Cover me! Anybody else nearby cover me too!" Toxin left his suit and leaked into the system, literally eating it. Peter now just had his basic suit and his spider-powers. Now done needing cover, he turned to help the others. Toxin needed the cover now. while Peter and the other Avengers decimated the ranks of Ultron drones, Ultron himself crawled out of a literal hole in the ground made by his vibranium body skidding. The instant he was out of the hole, he basically got wrecked by a Hulk-kick. Surprisingly to Hulk, it didn't do as much as Peter's did. Ultron wasn't dead yet, but he was certainly disabled. That didn't include his drones.

A few short minutes later, Toxin returned to Peter's suit and he got another big upgrade. A certain amount of jet propulsion was added to the back of his wrists to increase the effect of his punches, and on the backs of his heels were very small jets that could even further increase his jumping height and gliding distance. Most importantly, however, was his now all-vibranium suit.

His suit design overall was different as well. The color scheme, dark blue and dark dull maroon, was the same, but now the spider across Spider-Man's chest went past the confines of the suit, wrapping around until the legs touched the base of the arms on his back. The spider was raised off the suit and all metal, sharp edges instead of rounded legs. It was essentially the comic book Iron Spider suit, plus the Superior Spider-Man suit, plus the Bulletproof Spider-Armor with the new color scheme. Tony, underneath the Iron Man mask, couldn't pick up his jaw.

Suddenly, Ultron himself slammed down onto his back in the middle of the now non-functioning church. Peter grinned and stepped forward. The rest of the Avengers were very confused. [T? Do your thing.] Receiving a terrifying cackle from Toxin, the symbiote AI leaked into the crevices of Ultron, eating his skeleton and every ounce of metal attached to it.

Afterwards, Ultron got ate by Toxin, and Peter now had repulser blasts that could come forth from his fingertips. Toxin himself was also upgraded, improving the HUD in Peter's mask, and improving the existing abilities of the nanotech that Toxin was in charge of.

The Avengers initially went on guard immediately, but when Peter simply asked, "What? Everybody needs to level up sometimes" and simply walked away, they shook their heads and shrugs went around.

No damage came to Sokovia, both of the Maximoff twins were alive, the accords that could still happen won't be called by the country of Sokovia, and Hulk...wait, where WAS Hulk? Whatever...

Peter got some great upgrades, but he was mildly concerned that he could attract too much of Thanos's attention. Peter was much more powerful than he ever thought he could be, but he still had no counters to the infinity stones, which Thanos would invariably have at his disposal, or at least one or two of them.


Peter collapsed on his bed, fully intending on letting his body adjust to stuff, but Nat seemed to have some different ideas.

AN// R18 next chapter as an apology for being gone so long.