Chapter 4: Dorm!

Jas is the one who started the story about her life. She told about life's problems, Jas said who hard her life was.

But Jas? I have never seen jas in his life so miserable. My point is, Jas who is very energetic, has a life problem? I really don't have much of a problem but just chill in life. It's nice to have a friend, I didn't feel that way before. I've never laughed so hard before. Jas told me I was going to tell the story of my life. I was wondering where to start? How to tell a story? When i was a kid, i don't have any friends and even go out side to have play.

So I told her I was tired so I could rest. I have nothing to tell her, my life is boring. I have never had a happy life experience. Unlike her, she has a lot of friends so she talks a lot.

Jas wondered why I was always avoiding his questions.

Why would they want to know my life?

As we were resting, suddenly there was a knock at the door.

It's Mark, friend of jas.

Jas came out and close the door so I didn't hear them talking about.

Jas had entered our room and she immediately asked me if I wanted to go.

I don't like going out especially at night. There is no need for me to go because it is not school related.

I was left alone in the dorm because Jas was leaving, so I went to bed because we were home early.

It was 2:30 am when Jas came home drunk. I supported her until she was in bed.

I ask her, where she go and she cannot answer cause she to much drunk.