chapter 42

But I had to frown after a while.

Honestly, Claude wasn't a person without a single tear or blood spare to drop. Its just that he is extremely ignorant of people except for the one who makes him interested whether if its anger or just interest. He has sides of showing interest for people who crossed their lines. For an example.... 

"Gosh. You saying that Aetherunistas was the world wide greatest wizard emperor? That useless idiot?" 

I couldn't continue on my thoughts at someone laughing at something.

Ah right. Black idiot, you were in the room with me too. Just forgot.

"Isn't this too much even though its a children story book? It doesn't say that this is a dead bast*rd." 

"That's not children story book!" 

"Then what? It doesn't make sense if this thing is a history book." 

I glared at the guy lying on the carpet. He looked so carefree reading the history book I read in my class lying down belly to the floor, munching on cookies. 

But isn't he so naturally doing this like this is his room? Hey you! Now you are treating my room as if its yours?! 

"It was a lie that I am not fully cured, right? Just how long are you going to lie?" 

"Nope. Its true you're not cured completely." 

And you think I'd believe that?! 

It was already his 3rd time lying to others saying he needs time alone to cure me. But he eats all my snacks and play, and act fragile and cute again when the time's done and people come in! 

But his acting looked so real. At first I was shocked I thinking that . 

"What, you say that this bast*rd is the one to gain a final land for Obelia? A great genius wizard these dsys too? Je's dead! Also did all great genius wizard freeze to death?" 

He said he would read mire about Aetherunistas and how most of the great wizards vanished.

And he was reading my history book and he must be trying to find how the wizards and the divine animals all started to vanish 200 years ago.

But there aren't any books containing informations of a divine animal. But it wasn't my business and I didn't wanna tell him. 

"Why is his part in this book so long? What a thing to see. That bast*rd who would pee his pants all the time." 

But what is this idiot and why is he saying those words as if he was alive 200 years ago? I felt weird as it didn't seem like a real idiot complaining.

Hmm. Aetherunistas was the emperor who lives up to years 150 with a great amount of mana. Is this idiot in that kond of case, too?

Nut I had to shiver in fear with goosebumps when I thought of that. Did I listen too much of him being a genius wizard that I got crontrolled by him?

Is he saying that he is a great wizard who lived for ober 200 years when the greatest emperor lived up to only 150 years? Ehheh. Nonsense. 

"What's this." 

But the idiot calm until now muttered seriously. Hmm. There's nothing mich in that book, why is he like this? And what's up with his expression?

"Hah. Aetherunistas you fu*king sh*tty idiot br*t." 

It was enough to shock me that this little kid spoke all kinds of bad words.

Why is he suddenly so scary? 

"I wondered how this useless bast*rd became a number 1 wizard emperor." 

He now seemed to be mad. If that book was alive, I bet that book would have died 10 times by heart attacm eoth his intense gaze. 

The black idiot was glaring as if he could rip my history book into pieces. I got curious and asked. 

"Why? How did Aetherunistas become a great wizard emperor? Is it something you should be mad about?" 

I had some bug nerves handling Claude all these years. I'm curious! Since I am going to be a great genius wizard if Claude won't end up killing me! Mwahaha!

"Then do you expect me to not swear if he ate all his citizens for mana?" 

Black idiot spoke annoyed. And of course I couldn't get exactly what he was saying. 

He would not explain it to me but read that himself gritting his teeth. 

"He's actually crasy. If you wanted to be miserable, you could've just been miserable yourself. You cannot compare things you eat and not eat when you were tha age of that?" 


"And it also seems like he was the one who ate my mana too." 

Clear sound of gritting teeth were heard. I didn't know what but I knew that I shouldn't bother him right now. 

He was in a young appearance not too different of a age from me but the aura was way too scary. Gasl. S-scary. 

"Really crazy sh*tty bast*rd." 

But there seemed to be other complicated feelings other than fury i his voice.

I could only take a hint. Why do I always have to take a hint qhen this is my room. Sob. 

Just then his two small hands closed the history book. My mouth opened without my will at that. 

"W-where are you going?" 

"Done curing for today." 

You bast*rd?! 

You are the one who lied to come in my room! Cure? Hah! You only read books and eat my snacks! I won't hold you back, leave! 

But he glimpsed back at me once before completely leaving and I could see how furious he was.

I was dumbfounded to see him that annoyed. Really, what's up with him? 

And I was soon disgusted by Lilly's next words.

"Its a concern for the young wizard as well. He is so weak. Its a pity seeing him going back to his room all worn out. But how thankful that he is still curing princess." 

Still not forgetting to act cute. Disgusting Bast*rd.... 

"Should I do your hair since his majesty is coming soon?" 

I refocused on the situation now from Lilly's words.

Now that I see, there were one mpre thing changed about Claude. And that is! Claude started to visit my palace to see me. 

They say if people are doing things they usally don't do, their death is close by. How do you think! 

"Stop with the nonsense." 

I was surprised at someone's cold voice

"I think so as well. I met duke mr. Alfius yesterday and he said his son will be going to Atlanta. That is probably why he wanted princess and his son to meet once." 

"Great. Since he won't annoy me with that topic again." 

S-so those words weren't for me. Phew! 

But by duke Alfius's kid, its Isekiel isn't it? 

"Is oppa from Mr. White man is going on a vacation to Atlanta?" 

"He is entering a school in Atlanta." 

"None of my concern." 

C-cough. How strict. You're always stubborn when Mr. White dog is brought up. 

Hmm. Now that I think about it, Isekiel did go to school in Atlanta. In the novel as well he said that Isekiel went to study Atlantan. Was it today?

"Does princess regret as he could've been princess's friend?" 

"Umm. But I'm not too curious since he said he looks like Mr. White dog!" 

"I will try even harder to fit in as princess's friend." 

N-no. You don't need to! You don't need to memorize Atlantan words every day!No more studying! 

"How's the new palace?" 

See? He's really weird. Claude is asking for my opinion and my well being. Sob. 

"Palace is shiny!" 

Here shiny there shiny! How pretty! I became excited to see new gems I didn't get to see in Ruby palace. 

Ahh! Ahhh! My beauties though! Why! I didn't bring the beauties in Ruby palace, waahh! 

"Of course. I switched the head maid as well. She was stubborn not knowing her place." 

But that depression was far gone after Claude's words. 

Gasp. What do you mean you switched the head maid? That head maid who wouldn't buy me a new toy because there were no money? That head maid who only ruined Ruby palace? 

Seems like he became mad seeing Ruby palace last time. 

B-but you didn't do anything too cruel to the her, right? Like let her not able to see the world again. Or her not being able to work as a maid in other palaces. Let's just leave it. Its scary. 

"I think Emerald palace is a great place as its close to Gannet palace and the enviornment is also very great." 

They say that Gannet palace isn't the actuall emperor palace but still calls it that. It was like Claude still using the same palace he used when he was a peince. 

And for Emerald palace, they say its for the princesses. So I had to be surprised at Claude for this. 

Because this Emerald palace was the palace Claude gave to Jennet as he accepted her as his daughter. 

Claude wasn't easy in the novel that he didn't accept Jennet entirely as his daughter and gave her this palace to Jennet not too long before Atanasia's death. 

That's why Jennet had to live in Sphere palace at first where all the visitors stay at. In fact, Atanasia lived in the Ruby palace until her death. Kuckk. 

But giving me this precious palace. How can I not be surprised? Claude, this kid really did eat something wrong. Right? 

Gasp. But what if they kick me out of this palace when Jennet comes? That will be really cheap! They say its more cheap when you give and take back then not giving at all! My gold! My gems! 

"...would be the greatest. Princess think that too, right?" 


"Of course." 

Thinking of all the gems and golds in Emerald palace that I didn't get a chance to touch, I became worried and answered without thinking to the question I didn't listen. Huh? But what did you just say?