Chapter 6: Overwhelming!

'Well... this is unexpected.'

Well actually, this does make scientific sense, but I guess a part of me never thought it through, or thought of it as imaginary.

Like I imagine a star of hot and cold in order to process the energies somehow stored in my body... except I'm getting a few hints that it isn't that 'imaginary' at all.

For example: yes, it has atmosphere, and extreme temperature differences. So it's only logical that it would create very powerful air currents, as hot and cold air hit one another.

But I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO THOUGHT OF IT. So why in the BLOODY hell did it happen?

In other words... to some extent, within myself or this bullshit magic world, this "Star" actually exists.

'Oh Cheerio. That sounds like a bomb to me. A bomb inside of me. Can I be scared now?'

But yeah... I now have "storms". You ever look at photos of Jupiter, and how it has a massive spot where a storm has raged for millennia?

Cool, now imagine a FREAKING STAR with a bunch of storms forming and falling apart all over its surface, tornados of fire and ice giving way to oceans of fire only for the flame to once again be whipped into a frenzy.

'Okay, what other scientifically obvious things happens in a... ball of hot and cold fire that recycles light infinitely and has an atmosphere...?'

Yeah that entire sentence sounds like a psychotic crazy persons delusion.

Somebody. Send help. I need a psychologist! Where's that 'Goddess'! I need someone to talk to!

Isolation is bad for you!

'...yeah I'm getting pretty lonely.'

Getting up from "bed", which in reality is a bunch of branches I draped myself across, I refocused on my journey rather than the "lovely surprise" is woken up to.

I think my greatest confusion with it was: why now? Why did the winds form days later, instead of immediately? It's like it's delayed somehow...

'Hmmm... as I grow and my magic does alongside me, and I find new ways to use it, unknown side effects will occur at a delayed rate... so I should keep an eye out for that.'

I hopped among the branches, avoiding the forest floor.

I'd met a bear-like creature made out of wood with mushrooms growing on it, and decided that the forest floor was dangerous.

I'm just glad that icefire 'burns'(freezes) things with moisture so well. One little spark, and boom!


'Huh? What's that smell?'

I raised my snout, sniffing.

The scent was distant, carried by the wind, and was... pretty rancid honestly.

Leather, oil and that metallic taste at the back of your throat that blood tastes like.

Which, to be honest, didn't smell so bad to my dragon body, just like eating animals bones-and-all(I cooked them! I have no idea how magic accounts for diseases you know!) didn't seem to trigger a gag-reflex or anything like that.

I knew I did have a gag-reflex in this body from my attempt to eat a mushroom. 'Note to self: dragons hate mushrooms.'

What DID smell bad was the scent permeating all the others: swear, unwashed skin, and... shit? a world without showers... humans smell REEEEALLY BAD.

I adjusted my course, smoothly jumping from tree to tree, making sure to outstretched my wings each time.

By opening them with each jump, I was kinda... practicing(?) before I tried to glide or something like that.

Also it was helping me learn how to move this body beyond just the basic instincts that goddess gave me.

I'd gotten faster, that's for sure. And while my body wasn't any taller, I was a bit longer now, with bigger wings, and a tail near twice it's length when I was born!

'...that human smell is heading towards me. I better get past here before I get spotted. I bet a fuzzy-dragon thing would be a "neat thing to shoot arrows at", says every goddamn hunter... though I've only run into 2, that's still FUCKING SCARY.'

I tried to speed up, and started doing practice flaps, flapping my wings mid jump, despite knowing it wasn't really doing anything.

But as I moved, the human smell grew stronger, but...

'That's not closer?'

I'm not exactly used to being based on smell instead of sight. Human beings rely on sight to a ridiculous extent.

Seeing is believing right? People are way more likely to act when they see something than when they hear it.

People hear muffled noises, and try to ignore it, turn the TV up, and try to ignore the fact that the neighbor is likely hitting his wife.

But if you see it, you act.

Because SEEING it makes it REAL.

But that never felt like me. I heard too much to ignore, so I paid attention to what I did hear.

And now, as a dragon, I seem to mainly be based in smell, my magic-sense, and a sense that can detect temperatures.

As of right now, I have 6 senses. Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell, Magic, and Temperature.

So I was still getting used to it.

This... was weird.

'...OH! Oh I'm dumb.'

Well that was stupid.

Judging by smell, a large group of humans are over there, some moving this way, some not, and there's enough to have the scent spread quite far.

I think they're in battle judging by how the smell of blood is growing stronger than the other scents as time passes.


I tried refocusing in that direction using my magic sense and-

Yeah. Wow. Some people are throwing around some power. Damn.

So some kinda battlefield is nearby?


A sudden drop in pressure, light the whole world held its breath after taking a really deep one.


And then my senses exploded with sensation.

Magic POURED through the area, something terrifyingly powerful emitting it from the battlefield.

Temperature was out of whack as well, I could see MASSIVE fluctuations in the sky over their!

Just by eyesight I could see a storm cloud forming!

And the smell...

Rain, and ozone. Thunder hitting my eardrums.

I sat on a branch, staring in awe.

The sudden explosion of power... I felt like an ancient Roman getting to see a bomber plane in action.

It was beyond anything I'd really thought of. I'd never measured how the power of my magic quite matches against the real world here, just tried to channel bits of it in small but useful pieces of magic.


I sat, struck dumb in shock, and a faint noise could be heard in my throat as I accidentally tried to say aloud my thoughts.

'...holy shit. I'm gonna fucking die so fast in this world. What is this.'

I turned, angling myself west still, but AWAY from whatever the BLOODY FUCK that THING is, and booked it!

You ever see a cat run so fast it blurred, partly because it was so small?

I easily passed that, my eyesight blurring from how fast I was moving, and my senses of temperature and magic guiding me to where the next tree and obstacles were.

I ran like a bat out of hell, a dragon running before an almighty power I simply did not understand.