Chapter 03: HUNKS like real hunks

At the entrance of C University's Auditorium

Ramisa sighes. Fiona sure is stubborn. Even after persuading her for entire two hours she couldn't change Fiona's mind.

Looking at her again Ramisa can't help but ask, " Are you sure? "

Fiona gaze at her like saying 'about what? '

"About this skirt! this glasses, look at the messy bun!!! and this boots!! ",Ramisa exclaimed again and again.

Fiona :"??"

Ramisa sighed. 'Damn, she is sighing too much today.'.

Ramisa tried to reason, " Fiona, Its your Fresher's reception!!! All the seniors, new comers and Professors will also join. How can you dress like this?"

Fiona frowned, " How am I dressing?"

Ramisa let out a long sigh saying, " Just a sweater and simple skirt!!, How can you show yourself like this?"

Fiona simply said: " What's there to show?"

This time Ramisa was truly speechless and tired as well.

Sighing again, She decided to enter into the party. Looking at the hall full of teens dressing

at their best, she looked at Fiona again.

Ramisa asked, " How about borrowing a dress from me? Fiona, Its nit too late. Just ten mins i will fix your hair. I also have matching pair of shoes. Just pick up one. "

Fiona sighed this time. She said, " Sis-in-law,

actually I'm not interested in any gathering.

All i want is to end it and concentrate into my study."

Ramisa thought, ' Truly have genes of a Qin! ' Remembering someone's handsome face, Ramisa's lips curled up.

Deciding not to think too much Ramisa took Fiona to the main hall. Fiona frowned harder sensing the hard smell of perfume around her.

She wispered, " Is it an auction of beauty? "

Ramisa replied, " Of course it is. The main party hasn't yet. Wait till the Dean's welcome speech and seniors greeting."

Fiona curiously looked at her. Ramisa sighed, "little girl, this party kinda have a hand on your future."

"Of course not," Fiona chimed.

" You never know! ", Ramisa smirked, " And about 'that' thing you can call me 'Rami' around people for now."

Understanding her sis-in-law, Fiona nodded.

By the time Dean started his welcome speech, the hall was full but in a disciplined manner. One by one seniors started to enter im the stage.

Girls were like awed.

" Wooooo....."

Hearing so much noise, Fiona glance towards the lead. Stage was full of HUNKS and hot,sexy, feisty senior students. Hunk means seriously hunks. Specially the male students!!! They were standing like male models.

Girls were screaming crazily . After introduction, Dean and Professors left the hall room to enjoy the students in thier own way.

One must say that this party didnt look any less than the high end upper class banquet.

Of course it because every one related to C University is highly reputed.

Ramisa took Fiona to introduce her to her friends and following students. There are two types of seniors here. One is about to graduate another has still a year to rule over after bidding the last batch.