A Suggestion

Syna grinned her teeth and picked up another parrot green long elegant gown, after plucking a green backless one.

The manager kept staring at her, hoping that Syna soon would make a choice as she already spend twenty minutes searching one rack.

She then strode to the second row pursing her lips and picked up another red shimmer frock then another after another, which she rejected all.

Syna plopped in despair on the bench waiting for Lolita, as she herself could not do this job. A few silent moments passed by, the manager and other employees starred at each other's face blankly, finally leaving her side.

"Have you got anything reasonable?"

Lolita entered the shop pulling the door outwards, as she stepped in her voice cracked in the shop.

"Lolita! Glad you finally arrived. Not yet, I'm unable to select anything."

Syna pouted like a baby with an innocent expression worn on face.

Lolita grabbed her arm and dragged towards the rack, holding the jeans and tank tops.

"I knew it, for the first time you did a good job by calling me. I will help you, young lady."

On the contrary of their outer appearances Lolita had an influence on Syna in a positive way, to handle her sarcasm and mood swings.

"Slow down, girl. We have all day today."

Syna was being dragged along rashly as Lolita was excited to shop around, after knowing she had a whole day to do that task.

"Here try this one."

She pulled out a short white dress with little cherries embroidered on it, supported by a spaghetti strap.

"This will fit you the most. Hurry up and try it."

Lolita pushed Syna inside the trial room with a jerk, that made Syna sigh in irritation.

She never liked to shop and definitely not with a lover of this field. Sighing she glanced at the mirror in front of her and then starred at the dress. A faint blush tainted her cheeks pink.

"Would he.....?"

Widening her eyes she shook her head and tapped cheeks to gain sanity.

"No. Not this."

They both visited many shops, roamed for several hours but could not found anything according to Syna's taste.

While passing by a small shop Syna bumped into a mannequin which was outside the shop, wearing a white sleeveless top with blue ripped jeans which melted her heart.

She grabbed Lolita's hand and dragged her into the shop. A few minutes later she came out with a bag and her eyes were beaming with victory, Lolita could not help but sighed.

"Now let's eat something. I'm starving after this exercise."

Lolita stretched her arms and straightened her back.

"Yes, sure. I only ate one sandwich while rushing here. Let's visit some nearby restaurant."

It was about four by now, the intensity of heat was cooled down a bit, as both ladies strode towards the nearby 'LA Cuisine'.

"So you got any response from that site? Or you are gonna die virgin?"

Lolita stuffed her mouth with french fries and brought up that question again.

"Yes. I got one compatible guy and soon I'm gonna meet him."

Syna casually stated the truth.

Lolita sprayed the coffee on table upon the sudden news.

"What! And you did not bother to share it with me."

She raised her voice in disbelief.

"What does he do by the way?"

"I do not know that much but he stated that he owns a bakery."

Syna tore apart the brown sugar wrapper and poured in coffee, sure liked to have sweetened.

While stirring she talked like it was an unimportant matter.

"Oh, poor you! You could have catch a big fish."

Lolita winked at Syna with a teasing tone, as her devilish mind ran with the speed of horsepower.

"What do you mean? I believe he would be a nice guy to date."

Syna pouted dismissively.

"Why don't you date Mr Sinclair MacLaverty?"

Upon hearing the words Syna choked and coughed immediately.

"What! Are you insane? You want me to cling to, Mr President?"

Syna bursted out and unleashed her anger.

"Why not? You are beautiful and talented, God is giving you a chance. Catch the big shark, girl."

"Y...You are unbelievable Lolita."

Syna gritted and threw herself back on sofa as she starred outside.

The sun rays were coming close to the table and were falling upon her golden- blonde hair, which were tied up in a messy bun.

Her peach colored lips were being prominent with that white top. But guess what she did not know was either that the guy is a beast or her prince charming!

And to suppress her those unstable emotions were the right thing she could think at that moment, which were arising in her body every time listening his name.