Easy-Peasy Task For Adriana

"I agree, whatever you say, I will agree to that."

Adriana immediately spoke in agreement without even realising the circumstances she would fall into, but wasn't that the right thing, I mean the circumstances of refusing Braille were even worse, an imminent death could be waiting for her.

She leaped forward a little as not to step any closer to Braille, who was still holding the revolver. Adriana gulped her fears, as the agreement was the only thing which could save her from falling into the pit of darkness which almost seemed prevalent in her life. Moreover, she could not afford to lose such a job which was providing her enough money, to meet the both ends easily easily.

"Good choice, you are a clever person, Adriana. But I must remind you one thing, you better do not dare to double cross me."

Braille raised her eyebrows and eyed Adriana immediately after the words left her lips, to assure herself that she would not dare to attempt any such blunder.