Admiring The Illusion Of Hope!

Syna was coming up with various thoughts and feelings at the same moment, the cursed bride resented the time when she had rejected her fate.

She couldn't help but to curse herself for doing such a silly thing as to rebel against her destiny, accordingly Syna, she fell into this trap of misery all by herself. 

Her transformation into such a horrendous hag was a punishment from the Goddess!

But she could go back? Or there wasn't any 'going back' in her life anymore?

Or should I try to meet the Ghost Lord? What if he has the solution or some kind of potion to turn me back to my original appearance?

I know at first he would get angry and might strangle me to death for initially refusing his proposal.

It justifies that he didn't show up anyway because I had already fell in love with his younger brother 'Sinclair MacLaverty', he couldn't bear to steal his happiness. 

But what is the loss in trying, nothing!