Better Half!

Syna had plenty of things and theories going on in her brain.

But was it a correct assumption?

Regarding the Ghost Lord, she could change her mind but Syna was still unknown about Hades!

How could I not fear him then, when He could turn me into ashes within the snap of his fingers. It could be possible I mean, he could have this ability of burning bodies and souls by a blow of fire, like Hades, the ruler of the underworld.

"Are you sure? I mean did you hear the name carefully?"

His voice echoed in the room like thunder, the blue radiations were still surrounding his silhouette as I witnessed Sinclair's blonde short lengthened hair growing up to his shoulder.

It felt as if he was transforming, the whole scenario seemed like a caterpillar had formed a cocoon with the blue aura and now turned out being a butterfly!

I saw Sinclair's hazel orbs turning their color towards...heterochromic eyes! What!