Chapter 9: Aincrad First Floor Boss

Lisa was looking at the women laying down in front of her. She looked almost identical to her but much older. She had long brown hair a slightly pale face with pink lips. Looking at her she seemed to be in perfect health. But Lisa knew her mom had a fatal disease.

Eternal Slumber!

A disease that started to appear after the emergence of gates and hunters all over the globe. Eternal Slumber affects Humans that could not handle the ever so present Magic Power that was emitted by numerous things. Due to their nature, there were people in the world weak to magic power exposure. Among such people, one of the side effects of being exposed to a magic power for a long time was the Eternal Slumber.

This illness isn't just 'falling asleep', it would cause the host asleep they could not wake up from, hence the name 'Eternal Slumber'. The illness would cause the patient's life to waste away quicker than normal. The old Lisa knew there was no cure for this disease but to keep her mother alive using life support devices empowered by magic cores.

While the old Lisa could only work her life away trying to keep her mom alive knowing that in the end, it was hopeless. The current Lisa was different she had a system one that assured her it had the cure to this disease. An elixir called Life Essence. Which she will be able to buy from the system when she unlocks the shop function. For the appropriate gold. Gold is the currency for the system.

Lisa plans to get this cure and analyze it. In her last life, she was a world-class scientist. One that discovered the cure for cancer. A disease that stumped the world for many years. Lisa was no saint but if she could help stop something causing the deaths of millions she would obviously do so.

She bent forward kissing the forehead of her mom.

"Mother I promise you I will cure you. For the old Lisa who worked herself to death and for me" Lisa turned around and left the room.

She walked out of the hospital.

Finding a secluded area a key appeared in her hand. This key was golden in color. The key to the floating castle in the sky Aincrad. She held the key in front of her and turned it. A portal golden in color opened and she walked through it.


Lisa appeared in front of a huge door made of stones. The door opened and she walked in. As soon as she entered the room it lit up in various colors. A huge monster jumped forth startling her. Blue light shined onto the ground summoning fifteen baby Kobold in light silver armor.

"Illfang the Kobold Lord. I didn't expect to fight the boss right at the beginning" Lisa slapped her hand onto the ground as a black arc rushes forward.

The black arc connected to the shadows of the fifteen baby kobold. Black arrows shot forth from their shadows killing them immediately.

[You Level Up]

[You Level Up]

[You Level Up]

The system's voice rang in her head signifying she leveled up but she paid no attention to it as Illfang rushed towards her with intent to kill. Illfang swung it's ax down heavily.

Lisa sunk in her shadow rushing behind Illfang before it's ax hit the ground. The ax connected to the ground destroying the entrance of the room. Lisa emerged from her shadow raising her hand upwards black orbs formed in her hands.

The black orbs shot towards Illfang like bullets. Illfang raised its shield blacking the attack. Lisa stopped the attack and then gathered a ball of shadows in hand. She threw it to the ground where Illfang was standing.

"Shadow Dragons: Eruption" a geyser of shadows burst forth from underneath hitting Illfang dead on blasting him into the air.

Illfang fell onto the ground on its hands and knees. He got up and threw away it's ax and shield. Lisa looked at its health floating above its head only a single red bar was left.

"Looks like the last attack did some damage" she slammed her hands onto the ground.

Black arrows burst forth heading straight for Illfang. Illfang reached behind its waist pulling out a meter and half long nōdachi. He got up and swung his blade sideways cutting the black arrows.

When he looked up Lisa was already in the air in front of him. Taking a deep breath she shouted out.

"Shadow Dragon's: Roar" a large burst of shadows left Lisa's mouth hitting Illfang.

Like glass, Illfang shattered.

[You Level Up]

[You Level Up]

[You Level Up]



Name: Lisa Ann Sanchez

Level: 23

Exp: 7,000/19,000

Title: Infinite Player

Job: None

HP: 6,000


MP: 5,100


Strength: 42

Agility: 29

Intelligence: 41

Stamina: 33

Sense: 31

Remaining points: 32



Passive: Unknown

Blood Lust: Strong magical energy that puts a selected target in a state of fear for a minute.



Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic 2nd: (6/10)
