Chapter 15: New Magic

Lightning God Slayer Magic!

This was one of the magic Lisa selected. Unlike Dragon Slayer Magic which is meant to kill Dragon's. God Slayer Magic is meant to kill God's. Lightning God Slayer Magic incorporates the element of lightning into the user's body, allowing them to produce black lightning from various parts of their body.

Lisa needs a form of magic that boosted her speed. With this, her problem will be solved. She could have went with Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic but she liked the black lightning of the god slayer. She could already imagine the various techniques she would utilize it a battle.

The other form of magic Lisa choose was Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Fire magic is one of the most common magic in the world of hunters. With this, her attacks will be more explosive. Considering that she wielded both Dragon and God Slayer Magic wouldn't that make her a Dragon God Slayer?


Lisa looked at the incoming monsters with a mischievous smile. She pulled her fist back charging up her magic. Flames covered her fist. Punching forward she shouted out.

Flame Fist!

A fist made of flames rushed forward hitting the high orcs and wolves dead center. Although they weren't burnt to crisp they were severely wounded with their skins now black in color. The smile of barbecue could be smelt in the air. Lisa was on a role how could she stop here?

Pulling her right arm back once more. She charged up her magic. This time her fist was not only covered in flames but also black lightning.

"This move was randomly named" saying that Lisa punched forward.

Lightning Flame Dragon Destructive Punch!

A beam of lightning rushed forward which had flames going around it in circles. This attack contained highly destructive power. Upon making contact with the enemies it resulted in an explosion that shook the entire dungeon.

Nurariyon was shocked by the shared amount of magic Lisa wielded. He had only seen one other person in his life who wielded many different forms of magic. That man was so powerful he cleared twenty S-Rank gate in a day.

Lisa seeing the shock on their faces only shugged her shoulders. She didn't care about showing her magic. After all, she only showed the basics.

"Let's go slay the boss. I want to go home and shower"


In front of the boss door, Lisa and her team were standing making a plan.

"Lisa you and I will attack. While Jonathon you will use tuant to grab the monster's attention. Joseph, you will stay behind with Lauren and attack from a distance. Lauren use your magic to apply our powers" Nurariyon said giving everyone a role.

While he could solo this dungeon himself he wanted to use the opportunity to help give Lisa more experience. She was a young upcoming hunter so she needed to learn how to work in a team.

Lauren raised her hand and started to cast spells boosting the team's power.

Speed Booster! Strength Booster! Flame Resistance! Heavy Recover!

After casting those spells the group advance forward. Lisa pushed the door open the wave of magical energy that hit her and the group left them stunned.

"It seems I can't solo this after all" Lisa said starring at the army of High Orcs in front of her.