Chapter 18: Hunter Association

Inside a large building, a man with short black hair and black eyes was sitting smoking a cigarette. This was Bob Belcher the leader of the Hunter Association. He stretched his hand out reaching for the phone.


The phone only got to ring once before he picked it up. This was because he had on ability. This ability was known as precognition. An ability that allowed him to see ten seconds into the future.

"Hello, this is Bob Belcher speaking"

"It's Me"

"Nurse Joy what do you have for me this time?"

"I've discovered a student with the potential to be on S-Rank are higher in the future" Nurse Joy answered over the phone.

Hearing this Bob leaned up out his chair. Although he could see in the future by ten seconds it's only seeing not hearing. So he didn't know what Nurse Joy was going to say.

"A gate opened up at the school"

"Yes, I've heard about that. But it was closed by the principle and some teachers right?"

"Yes. But that's what was reported. There was a student as well who helped in clearing the gate"

"What? Tell me more" Bob said immediately.

"Yes, her name is Lisa Sanchez and from her school profile, she wasn't on an outstanding student. Not even as strong as on E-Rank. Which leads me to the conclusion she might have reawakened" Nurse Joy said deductively.

"What does she have to do with gate," Bob asked curiously.

"That I don't know. But she was given most of the remaining monster parts. Also, Principle Nurariyon did say she was outstanding"

"For on SS-Rank Hunter to complement a student that is us suspicious. I'll look into it. Thank you for the information and keep up the good work Nurse Joy" saying that he hang up the phone.

"Even if she doesn't have the potential to be on S-Rank she must have something amazing about her for that guy to say that," Bob said looking out the window.



Lisa sneezed suddenly on her way home. She was planning to get some rest before training some more in Aincrad. But only after selling some of the monster parts to the system. She was quite grateful for Nurariyon's help.

Before long she arrived home. Seeing her apartment she shewed before heading in. Lisa headed straight for the shower taking a bath. Afterward, she went and sat down on her bed and called out to the system.

"System how much can I sell these for?" Lisa said letting everything out the ring in a corner of the room.

It was good that it was all packaged neatly.

Ding! After scanning the item's the system has determined 4,000 gold coins.

"That little? Wait how high does the system currency go?" Lisa asked curiously.

Ding! The system currency goes as high as 10,000 gold to keep things simple. There is nothing in the system over that price.

"I see. No wonder it's so hard to earn gold. System is there anything useful to me in that pile?"

Ding! No host it would be better to sell it.

"Alright sell everything and bring up the store for me" saying that she saw the item's on the ground began glowing before disappearing.

A screen was brought up in front of her showing displaying various words. Down the bottom, she saw gold which showed her currency as 4,000.

[Ting! Shop:

Magic Section

Weapons Section

Martial Arts Section

Bloodlines Section

Eye Section

Gacha Section

Useful Items Section

Locked Sections]

"System bring up the elixir" the first thing Lisa wanted to do was get the elixir to wake up her mom immediately.


Eternal Elixir= 500 G

Lisa seeing the piece bought it immediately. There was a bright flash and a small glass bottle appeared in her hand. In this bottle was a golden liquid.

"With this, I'll be able to awake my mom" Lisa placed the item back in her inventory storing it carefully.

She then headed out to the magic section.

Ding! Magic:

Sky Dragon Slayer Magic = 100

Ultimate Healing Magic= 200

Imagine Breaker= 2,000

Water Dragon Slayer Magic= 100

Ice Devil Slayer Magic= 100

Speed Magic= 90

Teleportation Magic= 1,000

Gate of Babylon= 5,000





The list was long and seemed to go on forever. Lisa bought Teleportation magic and Ultimate Healing. Bring down her system gold to 2,300. She didn't buy speeding magic because she already had lightning magic. Also with Teleportation Magic she really didn't need it.

She went on into the martial arts section. Right now she only used explosive power and wasn't very well versed in hand to hand combat.

Ding! Martial Arts:

100-Dan Street Brawler Karate= 100

Muay Thai= 100

Pencak Silat = 150

Kushinada Style Jujitsu= 150

Fūrinji Style Martial Arts= 200




Lisa decided on getting 100-Dan Karate, Kushinada Style Jujitsu, and Fūrinji Style Martial Arts. This brought her gold down too 1,850. For now, she decided to save the rest of her gold.

"Back to grinding. After I'll go wake up my mom" she going up and put on her white shirt with Adidas pants.

"Alright now I'm ready. Um, system how do I get back into Aincrad?" Lisa asked awkwardly.


"Sending you there now host. Good luck and have fun."

With that, Lisa disappeared in a flash!