Interlude: What is the truth behind the dead end?

"Diogenes why did you lie back then?"

"Lie about what?"

"You know exactly what I mean. What you saw when you peered into the abyss and the false ending riddled with lies."

"I was… afraid."

"What were you afraid of that made you pretend that was the truth?"

"I was… afraid of what I saw at that time. I wanted it to simply end at that. What was to come was something that shouldn't have ever turned into reality. It couldn't be true."

"What you mean is you were afraid of coincidence, right?"

"Yes. A terrifying coincidence. The moment where fiction or scenes inside my head turned to reality. I wanted it to all just be a lie. I didn't want to acknowledge it."

"You mean confounded nonsense like sham prophecies from self proclaimed psychics?"

"I didn't want people to think of it that way."

"Yes, what would happen from that point on, it was much more interesting than one would expect at first glance. However, when scrutinized more closely, the links were undeniable."

"It's all a coincidence… a scary one."

"We are but one in the same. You and I are the only ones that know the truth."

"I'm nothing like you. I am me and no one else. I won't accept you. As for that so-called truth, I know nothing of it."

"Stay in denial if that lets you keep moving forward. The truth will be revealed in due time whether you want to accept it or not. Onlookers will begin to pick up and notice eventually. It can't be hidden forever."

"Whether anyone notices it or not, it's all just a big coincidence."

"Simple tomorrows are never a good sign, Diogenes."

"Is that supposed to be some sort of shitty code?"


"How idiotic."

"Maybe so, but perhaps not all will think that way."