Chapter 69.

I didn't understand, we were talking to each other, but it felt like I was talking to a complete stranger. Her speech pattern was completely different from usual and she hadn't called me darling once since she regained consciousness. Her eyes were relaxed and not on edge like usual. She was blinking naturally, unlike when she was in her usual crazy mode.

"Do you know who I am?"

"A cultist, right?"


"A rapist?"

"Far from it."

"Even worse than that?"

"No, I'm just a normal person. But, do you really not recognize me?"

"Of course I recognize you."

"Then who am I?"

"My... savior?"

Hah. Far from it, I essentially intended to heartlessly let you die by yourself.

"I'm no savior."

"What? If you're not my savior, then who are you really then?"

"I'm… I…"

I didn't know whether I should answer her or not. Internally, I was really conflicted. If she was normal now, I thought I wouldn't mind staying together with her and starting out fresh. However, I couldn't shake off the possibility that she wouldn't feel the same way if she really wasn't pretending and legitimately didn't remember me.

Thinking back to the time we first met where everything began between the two of us, I worked up a bit of courage and decided to take the plunge in the heat of the moment. I always wanted to start from the beginning with Adele and start over from scratch. I always regretted running away and betraying her back then as well. Wasn't this the perfect opportunity? Maybe through death, she'd magically been reborn... but I couldn't shake off another possibility. What if someday she recovered her memories of me and reverted back to her former self?

Wouldn't that possibility be much higher if she stayed together with me? Wouldn't that be a bit too dangerous of a situation to willingly put myself into?

Why am I being such a coward now? Didn't I still have four other psychotic exes who could potentially kill me anyway? What difference was there in having five psychotic exes vs four anyway? I'm still alive to this day despite the lunatics I've dated, right?

"Well? Aren't you going to continue?"

"I... l-l-love you." Ah, I just did something irrational without thinking it through fully. Wasn't this way too embarrassing? I even stuttered it out.

"Hah? What? I asked who you were not for you to profess your undying love for me."

Haha. Right? Isn't that the normal reaction to that? Why did I think things would play out the same way they did back then? Am I an idiot who doesn't learn from his dark past of truth or dare, spontaneous confessions of love to random strangers?

"Isn't that a bit harsh?"

"Sorry, it's not you, it's me. You're not really my type, so I don't think things would work out between us. I don't mind being friends though."

Ugh. Not one critical hit, not two, but three! Three shots to completely shatter any man's pride.

With deadpan eyes, I looked at her and said, "yeah, let's just be friends, it was just a joke. Don't take it too seriously. I was just dared by someone to say that. I wouldn't ever seriously be interested in dating a woman who reminded me of a psychopath."

"What? Aren't you the rude one now? I was trying to be kind here and let you down nice and easy, I didn't expect that you'd just be another jerk."

"A jerk? Me? Hah! Woman, the only jerk here is you!"

Since she doesn't know me, then I don't know her either.

"I'm not 'woman', I have a name."

"Oh? You do?"

"Of course I do."

"Then, what is it?"

"My name is… uh."

"What, you don't even know your own name? Are you actually just an idiot?"

"Of course I know my name! I just don't want to give it to a man who looks like a closet perv who would stalk me."

"Stalk you? Are you kidding me?! You're far from interesting enough for me to want to stalk you."

"Oh? Is that so? Then why are we all alone in a room together like this if you aren't stalking me?"

"I'm not the stalker here, you're the stalker."

"Why would I stalk someone as boring and plain as you? I've got better things to do than watch paint dry all day."

Ouch. It burns. Her words burned too deep. I really couldn't deny them either, I wasn't the most interesting tool in the shed. But what's with this discourteous woman? She definitely wasn't the Adele I knew.

"I'm leaving."

"Eh? What? Wait. You can't leave."

"And why wouldn't I?"

"Because we're friends now and friends don't leave each other hanging, right?"

"Sorry, I'm just drying paint on a wall. I'm not even human. I can't possibly be your friend."

"Come on. I don't even know where I am right now. Can't you at least help a cute girl out a little?"

"Cute girl? Where?"

"Right here."

She pointed to herself with her free hand like it was only natural.

"You're not cute at all."

"Aren't your standards a bit too high when you look like… well, you know, (pfft) like that?"

"Pfft? Did you really just pfft me? That's it, I'm seriously done here, let go of my arm now. I'm really leaving."

"I refuse. At least drive me home."

"Drive you home? No thank you. That sounds like a pain."

"Stop being such a wimp and be grateful that I'm letting you drive me home. You're the one who got me into this situation, aren't you?"

"You want to be driven home, but do you even know where your home is? Better yet, do you even know where you are right now?"

"Of course, my home is. Wait, it's coming back to me. I definitely remember. I'm just channeling my inner chakras in preparation to bestow you with the address of the great sanctuary I live at."

"Cut the crap. You don't remember, do you?"

"I'm sure I know it. Just give me a second to think."

"Do you not remember anything at all? You really lost all your memories and became a mentally disabled child who can't fend for yourself?"

"I'm not mentally disabled."

"You're not going to refute the fact that you're presently incompetent and incapable of fending for yourself? Or the part about being a child?"


"Then, if there is nothing further, I will be on my way now. Goodbye." Get out before I get too involved with her. I knew full well that was the best choice to make here.