Chapter 120.

I found the entire situation bizarre to the extreme. Talking to my second ex, I definitely didn't think we'd ever meet again with the way our relationship came to an abrupt end.

"Did you miss me, Dio?"

"I'm not really sure what to say to that."

"You could just profess your love for me."

"I'd rather just think of you as my boss, Val, though."

"That's fine by me. This is closer to the real me anyway."

"You mean being a miser? You used to sport brand name goods all the time, what happened?"

"Those belonged to someone else. I only borrowed them."

"You mean after you rebelled and were disowned by your family, you suddenly realized how difficult it was to make clean money the hard way and you became a miser because of it?"

"Pretty much. Pinching pennies became common after that. Running a business on your own wasn't cheap after all. To get to the point the business is presently at now in such a short period of time, I really had to spill blood, sweat, and tears."

"Of other people, right?"

"Be quiet, I'm trying to make myself look like a better person here. Sure, there were a few people that cried from having their paychecks docked. Sure, some people may have bled from overwork and also coughed up blood from seeing their docked paychecks. Sure, there may have been a period where we didn't have air conditioning so it was a sweatshop at times. Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that blood, sweat, and tears were shed; regardless of whether or not they were my own."

"No, that completely changed the meaning, didn't it?"

"That's something I've never liked about you. You're supposed to blindly agree with your significant other, regardless of whether it's a pretend relationship or not."

"I really don't think that's how it works."

"What would you know, mister psycho chick magnet?"

"Val, thanks."

"What are you suddenly thanking me for out of nowhere? You're throwing me off you weirdo."

"For being there for me both now and back then."

If I didn't have her making senseless banter with me all the time like this, with all the crap that's gone on lately, I definitely would have lost myself in this nonsensical topsy-turvy world. Even back then it was her who helped me pull myself together despite how she used me to achieve her own hidden agenda.

I was especially thankful in my present situation; where for quite some time Adele had been visible in the monitor's reflection with her arms wrapped around me. In case you wondered, my eyes were tranquil and completely accepting of the situation. I'd reached the point of no longer giving a shit.

Like hell I had! If Val wasn't beside me, I'd definitely have shat my pants from paranoia. No… but really, can you please stop appearing on every reflective surface like this? It's actually god damn scary! You're making it exceedingly difficult to focus on this stupid presentation when I'm trying to suppress the fear constantly welling up inside me.

Just imagine if she was like this the entire time when I made out with Val earlier… too scary! All the skin on my arms crawled just from the thought of it.

Unfortunately for me, despite my wish to be left alone, she never disappeared even after several hours into our work, and long after we finished the final touches on the presentation. She was still there, latched onto me from behind, refusing to let go like she was afraid she'd be left behind if she allowed for the slightest bit of carelessness.

Amidst the fear that ran amok inside my head over the last few hours; comparatively, the guilt I felt in my heart grew heavier each time I saw her figure on the reflective surfaces around me. It was all a reflection of my inner thoughts that led to this creepy hallucination. I didn't have any clue how to make it end.

It was already late when Val suggested we get some sleep before the flight. Of course, Val casually fell backward onto my bed like it was natural without seeking my permission; inconsiderate of my thoughts on the matter, she immediately fell asleep.

When I thought about how she was my second ex, I really wasn't sure what to think anymore. I was confused, our relationship had suddenly drastically changed into something completely different from the single word ex. When I looked at her lying on top of the bed defenselessly, and I thought about how the two of us already had that sort of physical relationship, the entire situation felt unreal to me.

A fake relationship on the surface she said? Is that what we're going to be doing now? Pretend lovers? How was that supposed to be beneficial to me in any way? Rather, wouldn't it compromise my survival even more? Did she actually con me?

Whatever it was, I was too tired to think about it any more than this. I got up from the bed and took out a second blanket from the closet. I covered Val with the second blanket before I laid down and covered myself with the blanket already on the bed.

It didn't take long before the fatigue set in and I fell asleep.

The familiar scenery of the city outside my balcony. That was what I first saw. It was like any other time I came outside and looked out. The streets bustled with people that moved about through the clustered masses below far in the distance. There were bright lights everywhere that illuminated the world. The lights cast long shadows on the ground below their feet.

Everything was normal as could be until I heard, "You're a nuisance, you're no longer needed the way you are."

A force pushed me forward over the balcony, but I managed to glance back and I just barely caught a glimpse of the perpetrator.

My eyes shrunk into pinholes when I discovered it was none other than Adele who'd pushed me over the edge.

I watched in horror as the ground grew more well defined and distinct while the distance rapidly decreased. I was powerless, unable to fight against the infallible force of gravity that pulled me closer to my end. The weightless sensation on my body from free fall combined with the lack of control over my life left me paralyzed in a way you could only describe if you felt it first hand.

I wanted to scream out at the top of my lungs, but the conflicting thoughts in my head made me wonder whether dying was really such a bad end. I would no longer need to deal with any more of the crazy shit in this insane world if it all just ended here.