



   There was a little cute girl crying beside the swing. She was wearing pink dress with pairing her pink dollshoes and pink ponytail.

"What is your name? What's happen to you, Why are you crying?Are you hurt - A little boy ask to a young girl.

The young girl cried louder, because she's afraid that maybe that is the one who bullied her.

" My name is Lloyd Lancelot Salazar, Im only 5 years old. My mom say if I saw a little children crying, I need to comfort his/her." the little boy said.

" *sniff *sniff *sniff M--y name is Claire Cordelia Consigo, I--m only 5 years old" the young girl said.

"Why are you alone? Why a little cute girl like you are crying" the little boy asked.

"Some kids unwilling to play with me. They say that I'm ugly *sniff *sniff" the little girl cry again.

"Don't worry, from now on, I will be your Best Friend and I will protect you, no matter what" Then the little boy smile.

"T--hankyou BestFriend *sniff, P--lease don't leave me no matter what" then they smile to each other.

Everyday they are together, they always playing at the playground. They have the same hobbies, they always eat chocolates becauce that is they favorite.

They decided to went at the same school the 'WATTY UNIVERSITY'

Both of their parent's are close together, because they are Business partner.

"Let's just be Best friends forever. I love you Best friend" cordelia said.

"Of course, I will be your forever BestFriend. I love you too Bestfriend"

"Promise? "


Cordelia and Lancelot are two 17 years old who have been Best Friend for almost their life.

Will love get in the way of their friendship or will they risk their friendship for love.