[after lunch Saku saw the girls that was gossiping and was talking trash about them and they notice to and walk over while Saku was alone..] Saku:hi?.....[this was Saku doom...] Lily: hi would you want to be our friends! [obviously Saku knows that they are doing a trick but she played along to not get in trouble] Saku: I loved too! Lily:ok...*smirks* you need to this and then we will let you! [ and then Saku pull out her phone and recorded what she said] Saku: sure! (Lily's mind: hahhaha what a idiot!) Saku:so what do I have to do?[they all smirked] Grace: hit the principle two times Saku:ok! [and then she pretended to love and save the recording and goes to the principals office] Saku:principle some of the princess are making me do bad things just to be they're friends [says it really innocently] here's the evidence *gives her phone* [and then the principle heard it all and call Lily,Grace,Fay,and the others] principle:what is this nonsense do it again and be expelled and you have five hours and 30 min of detention after school for the whole year! And apologize to Saku! Lily:I'm sorry and the others (Lily minds: I will get revenge some day boyfriendstealer!) [and then they all get back to class but Lily "accidentally" trip over Saku and then..she fell on to....a really beautiful girl name May the school council student member] Saku: I-I'm s-sorry *blushes* May:i-its o-okay b-but b-be c-carful n-next t-time o-okay *blushes more* (May mind: she's so cute why do I feel so attractive to her I think it's call love?) May:h-here *gives her hand* Saku: t-thank y-you! *smiles cutely* Mary: y-your w-welcome *blushes* ( Mary's mind: she is soo cute I want more.....wait am I gay or bi!) [ cole sees what's happening and was jealous of Mary ] Cole: come on love *holds her hand and walks to Saku's class* (Mary:wait are they dating! I hope they aren't because I like you Saku your mine!) to be continued....welp I guess new ship and a new rival...lol there's gonna be so much rivals for Jayden!