Halloween special part 4 Ch.14

Host (Yu ki): wait malady how about a dance!

Saku:eh *////* uh sure I guess....

[the rest was angry at him after he had a dance with Saku]

Host (Yu ki):thank you malady for accepting my offer

Saku:*////* your welcome of course...

Mary:grrrrrr...I willl get back at you one day! Yu ki!

Cole:I thought we were friends now we are rivals!

Jayden:*pulls Saku *

Saku:hey! What are you doing?!


Saku:...*///////* BAKA!


Mary:*kicks Jayden* thats what you deserve!

Jayden:I'm a prince! You know I can kill you

Mary:well I'm also royalty stupid!


Saku:stop both of you shut up!



Jayden:look what you did!

Mary: no! It was your fault!

Cole:*corners Saku* heh...

Saku:*//////* * pushes back* t-oo c-lose...

Host(Yu ki): *punches Cole* your right we are rivals!

Cole: I will kill you!

Host(Yu ki):let me see you try!