Searchers! Ch.20

Mary:where is Yu ki?!

Saku: I don't know that's why I ask you!

Cole:we gotta find him he has and important meeting with his dad!

Jay:if it's that important we gotta find him but where ?

Saku:I only knew him for a day or two but.. I know he loves to got to the park!

Jayden:ok! Let's look for him there first!

[as they all rush to the park together]

Saku:hmmm...where is he?....

Mary:I don't know I almost look everywhere except that creepy alleyway

Saku:umm.....😓😰 I guess we go there....

Mary:come on hold my hand!

Jayden:no mine!

Jay:wait no mine!

Cole:No! Mine!

Saku:I can't believe they can still fight in this time

Yu ki:...? H-hi