Punishment Ch.22

Mary:"you know I'm gonna force you to go..."

Yu ki:"hehhe yea..."

Jayden: "really...come on let's go or you will miss more then half..."

Yu ki:"do I hhhhhave to?"

Jay:"yup or your father will be disappointed and will throw you out and will be homeless also gonna die two years after an-."

Yu ki:"ok! Enough let's go..."

(Yu Ki's mind: wow they really are good at threatening me...)

(At the meeting)

Yu ki:"Saku you've been silent for a w-"

(Then Saku suddenly fall)

Jayden: "com- wait what happened!? Yu ki! Called the ambulance."

Yu ki:"ok!"

(At the hospital)

Doctor:"she's.....alright but she lost a lot of blood somehow....if she loses anymore she might die...we are trying to figure out what happened and what kind of situation she is in before giving her medicine...."